G1/P4 ally 300mil aq recruiting 4 people

Gold 1 ally recruiting...
We are a crazy bunch of players with a sense of humour and we enjoy some fun to help with the pressure of tier 4aw 😵😵 we finished last season place 81 gold 1 and are playing tier 4sooooooo plat 4 is the goal for next season. We run a mix of maps 5 and 6 in all 3 bgs scoring over 300 mil each week 🥳 that puts us to 800 ISH for aq. Plan is for one bg to add some map 7 💪💪
We are looking for players who do not need their hands held and who can complete their paths. Don't necessarily have to be boss killers. We need people who can communicate and join aw and aq on time. In return we can promise fun a few good laughs help and support with both solo and ally content.
We are from all over the place but mainly eu so preference given to eu players 😁
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We are a crazy bunch of players with a sense of humour and we enjoy some fun to help with the pressure of tier 4aw 😵😵 we finished last season place 81 gold 1 and are playing tier 4sooooooo plat 4 is the goal for next season. We run a mix of maps 5 and 6 in all 3 bgs scoring over 300 mil each week 🥳 that puts us to 800 ISH for aq. Plan is for one bg to add some map 7 💪💪
We are looking for players who do not need their hands held and who can complete their paths. Don't necessarily have to be boss killers. We need people who can communicate and join aw and aq on time. In return we can promise fun a few good laughs help and support with both solo and ally content.
We are from all over the place but mainly eu so preference given to eu players 😁
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