Kaecilius and The Ancient One

Kaecilius (Mystic)
Signature Ability
☆ Dark Sorcery
▪ When Kaecilius gains a bar of Power, he gains 15 Dark Dimension Charges.
▪ Kaecilius carries his current Dark Dimension Charges to his next fight.
▪ When Dark Power is active, Kaecilius gains Power Siphon.
☆ Power Siphon: When the opponent is near Kaecilius, drains 6% enemy's power per second and he gains the Power drained from the enemy.
▪ When Kaecilius activates Special Attack 3, he gains Immortal Darkness. When Kaecilius's HP is 1%, activates Immortal Darkness for 12 seconds. This can only be gained and trigger once per quest.
☆ Immortal Darkness: Gains Buff Immunity. If the opponent didn't land a successful hit in 2.5 seconds, they Degenerate 5%HP per second for 6 seconds. Does not stack. Degeneration stops if Kaecilius gets hit. If Kaecilius gets hit, he Regenerates 100% of the damage taken. This effect is not affected by Heal Block and Heal Reversed.
▪ Critical Hits has 100%(Max SA lvl) chance to pause Dark Power's duration for 2 seconds.
☆ Dark Dimension Charges
▪ Whenever Kaecilius lands an attack or when he gets hit, he gains 2 Dark Dimension Charges. Upon reaching 100 Dark Dimension Charges, he gains Dark Power for 10 seconds. When Dark Power expires, Dark Dimension Charges resets to 0.
☆ Dark Power
• All attacks adds additional 25% Energy Damage based on Kaecilius's Attack Rating.
• +30% Physical Resistance
• +30% Energy Resistance
• +30% Block Proficiency
• Critical Hits inflict 5% Power Burn
• 100% Block Heavy Attacks.
• Special Attacks are Unblockable.
• Enemy Debuffs has -3 seconds duration.
☆ Passive
• When opponent's Buff loses or expires, they also lose 8% Power.
• When the opponent loses a Bar of Power, they also lose 1% HP
• If the opponent attacks Kaecilius three times when Blocking, the opponent suffers -50% Defensive and Offensive Power Rate for 3 seconds. Does not stack.
☆ Special Attack 1
▪ Kaecilius uses his mystical blade to attack the opponent inflicting them Heal Block and Bleed for 6 seconds. If Dark Power is active, this attack inflicts Eviscerated for 6 seconds.
☆ Eviscerated: Opponent loses 2% HP for any moves they do except Blocking. (Dash Forward, Dash Backwards, Light Attacks, Medium Attacks, Heavy Attacks, Special Attacks, and moving forward)
☆ Special Attack 2
▪ This attack inflicts the opponent with -30% Offensive Power Rate. Kaecilius gains Retaliate for 8 seconds after this attack.
☆ Retaliate: If Kaecilius is attacked, return 85% of the damage taken to the opponent. If Dark Power is active, Kaecilius has +370% Physical Resistance until Retaliate expires.
☆ Special Attack 3
▪ Kaecilius opens the Dark Dimension to summon Dormammu and attack the opponent. This attack Burns all Power and Nullifies all Buffs from the opponent and inflict Power Locked for 10 seconds. For every Power Bar burned this way, this attack has 15% Attack Rating. Opponent has -25% Offensive and Defensive Ability Accuracy for 10 seconds and cannot gain any buffs. This attack can only be activated if Dark Power is active.
☆ Enemies:
▪ Mordo: Mordo gains Fury Buff for 5 seconds whenever he gains a bar of Power.
▪ Dr. Strange: Cloak of Levitation gives Dr. Strange the following:
• +7% chance to Auto-block all incoming attacks. Auto-block doesn't trigger Parry, but return 85% Damage to the opponent based on their Attack Rating. Doesn't work on XL Champs.
• +7% Evasion
▪ Ancient One: When Soul Strike is active, gain Unstoppable for 1 second when doing Heavy Attacks. Additionally, Heavy Attacks can interrupt Special Attacks.
▪ Kaecilius: Gains Unstoppable for 3 seconds after activating Dark Power.
☆ New Master
▪ Dormammu: When Soul Bond reaches 100, after 2.5 seconds, gain Unstoppable and Unblockable for 3 seconds.
▪ Kaecilius: Starts the fight with 20 Dark Dimension Charges.
☆ Dark Dimension Servant
• When Defending, if Dormammu is defending as a boss, Kaecilius starts the fight with Stun Immunity and Dark Power for 10 seconds. Additionally, Dark Dimension Charges generates 3 Charges each hit landed. If Kaecilius is defending as a boss, Dormammu on your team has additional +7 Energy Attack Damage for each Soul Bond on the opponent.
• When Attacking, if the boss opponent is Dormammu, you can't use Kaecilius to fight against boss Dormammu. Additionally, Kaecilius has -20% Attack Rating throughout the War.
If the boss opponent is Ancient One, Kaecilius gains +300 Critical Rating and Critical Damage Rating. Additionally, Kaecilius has +7% chance to land a hit on Evasion.

Ancient One (Mystic)
Signature Ability:
☆ Astral Dimension
▪ Ancient One goes into Astral Projection for 5 seconds when Dashing Backwards and holding for 1 seconds or when Knocked Out. This goes on cooldown for 100 seconds (SA lvl 1) after expiring.
☆ Astral Projection
• All Abilities and Special Attacks are Disabled
• Debuff Immunity
• 100% Evasion against Physical Attacks including with True Strike.
• 3% Evasion against Energy Attacks.
• -85% Attack Rating
• -100% Offensive and Defensive Power Rate.
• Basic Attacks Ignore Physical Resistance and Armor Rating.
• Unblockable
▪ When Astral Projection expires, Ancient One Regenerates HP based on her Attack Rating during Astral Projection. Her Attack Rating times how many successful hits she landed to her opponent during Astral Projection.
▪ When Ancient One would be Knocked Out, she goes into Astral Projection for 8 seconds. When Astral Projection expires, she's Knocked Out. If Ancient One Knocks Out the opponent before Astral Projection expires, she survives the match and gain 25% HP. This effect can happen again on next match.
☆ Sorcerer Supreme Protection
▪ Whenever Ancient One or any from her team is fighting against Mystic champions, Ancient One is always prepared. Gains the following bonuses:
• +15% Physical Resistance
• +15% Energy Resistance
• Damage Over Time Debuffs has -3 seconds duration.
☆ Soul Strike
▪ Whenever Ancient One or the opponent lands a Critical Hit, Ancient One gains a charge of Soul Strike. Upon reaching 20 Charges, activates Soul Strike for 12 seconds.
• When Soul Strike is active, Heavy Attacks burn all opponent's Power and has 100% chance to inflict Soulless on the opponent for 4 seconds. Lasts 2 seconds against Science Champions. Cannot inflict another Soulless if opponent is still Soulless.
☆ Soulless
• -85% Attack Rating
• -80% Physical Resistance
• -100% Power Rate.
• Cannot activate Special Attacks
• All Defensive and Offensive Abilities are disabled.
▪ Soul Strike is Paused and Disabled if Ancient One activates Astral Projection.
☆Mirror Dimension
Those who channel extradimensional power from the Dark Dimension are more powerful in the Mirror Dimension. Dormammu and Kaecilius are not affected of the negative effects inside the Mirror Dimension. They gain half percent of the positive effects instead. If Ancient One activates Astral Projection, the Mirror Dimension shuts off.
▪ Everytime the opponent gains a Bar of Power, Ancient One surrounds herself with the Mirror Dimension for 4 seconds.
▪ When Ancient One activates Mirror Dimension, 100% chance to Nullify all existing Debuffs on her and gain the following:
• +20% Attack Rating.
• +650 Critical Rating.
• Has 14% Chance to evade attacks.
• All attacks has 100% chance to Nullify an existing Debuff on the opponent.
▪ If the opponent is outside the Mirror Dimension, Ancient One is not affected by all Projectile Attacks including Unblockable and True Strike Attacks.
▪ If the opponent is inside the Mirror or whenever the opponent enters the Mirror Dimension, they lose all their Buffs and they gain the following:
• -20% Perfect Block Chance
• -20% Block Proficiency
• -20% Defensive Ability Accuracy
☆ Special Attack 1
▪ This attack is Unblockable. Ancient One knocks her opponent down for 100% Damage based on her Attack Rating and uses the Time Stone, warping time to Regenerate the damage she has taken 5 seconds ago. 2.5 seconds if fighting against Science Champ. This effect is not affected by Heal Block and Heal Reversed.
☆ Special Attack 2
▪ If successful, this attack inflicts Cursed for 10 seconds on the opponent. Lasts 5 seconds against Science Champions.
☆ Cursed: The opponent cannot gain any Buffs, even passive Buffs. Everytime the opponent would trigger a buff and failed, they gain a Degeneration, taking 85% of opponent's Attack Rating as Damage per second for 5 seconds.
☆ Special Attack 3
▪ Ancient One bends the reality and attacks the opponent. This attack inflicts Lethargic for 5 seconds.
☆ Lethargic: Opponent cannot Dash Backward and Forward. If Mirror Dimension is active, this attack has +20% Attack Rating and gain Power Gain until Ancient One reach 1 Power Bar.
☆ Sorcerers
▪ Dr. Strange: Vishanti Blessings has 14% chance to become permanent and stacks up to 2. Additionally, Dr. Strange activates Mirror Dimension for 10 seconds after activating Special Attack 3.
▪ Mordo: +50% Block Proficiency and Degeneration Debuff lasts .5 seconds longer.
▪ Ancient One: Mirror Dimension lasts .5 seconds longer.
☆ Enemies
▪ Dormammu: When the opponent has no Soul Bond, inflict a Soul Bond.
▪ Kaecilius: Dark Power lasts 2 seconds longer.
▪ Ancient One: Astral Projection lasts .5 seconds longer.
☆ Master of the Mystic Arts
• When Defending, if Ancient One is the boss Defender, Dr. Strange and Mordo on your team gain +550 Physical and Energy Resistance. Additionally, they gain 3% Power every time they receive a Debuff.
▪ When Attacking, if the opponent's boss is Kaecilius or Dormammu, Ancient One, Dr. Strange, and Mordo always starts the fight with 1 bar of Power and has +20%Critical Resistance.