Ghost and Nick Fury... what should i do?

I just got cavalier and already explored ACT 5. Also completed variant 3 & 4 and I’m looking to complete 3 and explore them. I will be running full suicides once i get the units. 

This is my 5* roster and my AGs. Should i use my generic on ghost. I just got her as well as nick. Who should i take up first. I’m low on t2 alphas so should i take both to r4 first or focus on one first then worry about the other.
To recap. Should i use my generic on ghost.
Who should i rank up first based on
my current requirements.

This is my 5* roster and my AGs. Should i use my generic on ghost. I just got her as well as nick. Who should i take up first. I’m low on t2 alphas so should i take both to r4 first or focus on one first then worry about the other.
To recap. Should i use my generic on ghost.
Who should i rank up first based on
my current requirements.