Champs auto fighting in AQ!!!

Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
edited September 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
AQ Map 4 just now and 4 fights in a row my champs were LITERALLY AUTO FIGHTING for the first 10-12 seconds of each fight and then a couple of times during the fights I was holding BLOCK and my Thor and Wolverine are dash attacking and when swiping back to evade they start launching heavy attacks! I'm so tired of this broke game... when will it ever work right again??? 21xsd8uztb87.png

iphone 7+ latest iOS latest mcoc


  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Same. On samsung s7. Exited the game completely and ate a loss, worked normally after.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Same here my champs are finishing combos without me even touching the phone then not blocking then I get comboed into oblivion
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    This is CRAZY!!! Many in my alliance experiencing the same thing tonight.
  • MastaChief117MastaChief117 Member Posts: 113
    I'm not sure if it's related but my champs have been auto-blocking a lot. It really messes up the rhythm. I'll watch out for this, definitely a big issue if it does turn out to be a bug
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    Same here. Lost my wolverine twice now
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Wipe your hands
  • JamezBongJamezBong Member Posts: 97
    Me too,
    Rtl, and my hero start hitting & evading like it was auto fight.
    Only happen once.

  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    It's been going on for quite awhile with little to no input from the devs and mods, I think they're pretty much ignoring it at this point.

    Last time it happened I was fighting the my so for control of my champion, he would just start charging forward firing off attacks and specials all the while I'm trying to get him to block or move back or move forward.

    It's really annoying and was supposed to be fixed but it's clearly not if we're still reporting it
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    Wipe your hands

    I'd buy that for sure with mixed inputs but my hands weren't actually touching the screen - when I saw them auto fighting a freaked and took my thumbs off and they just kept going.
  • FreakydFreakyd Member Posts: 209
    Ye, they know about this its been go on for so long its miserable. They have acknowledged something similar I think but said they could only reproduce it with NC n he was fixed in last update. I used to only have a problem in AQ n war but now in story too. All I can do is shut game down.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    I experience those "bugs" too in AQ's & AW's only...
  • Sky_kittySky_kitty Member Posts: 245
    edited September 2017
    Had that 2 weeks ago in map6,had few times after that again... support basicly told me to learn to play better because game is changing and players should change with game(?????)
    So u guys should LEARN TO PLAY BETTER AND CHANGE WITH GAME :neutral:
  • ZerophunkZerophunk Member Posts: 207
    Dude it's been going on for months
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    Keeps happening, especially in days where you really can't afford to get hit. It's either loss of control or some BS lag.
  • ArsenalPrimeArsenalPrime Member Posts: 15
    i thought it was just me having to use my old phone. Yes it's been acting strange, I hit attack and nothing or dash back and my champ goes in for the attack & I get hit.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    For mentioning: this has happened to me also, but in normal quests also. I hit the auto play on and off. and it's fine I know this option isn't available in AQ.
  • MrRubiks7MrRubiks7 Member Posts: 20
    I thought it was my new phone haha samsung a5 2017
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    Bumping this.

    It's possible that a lot of users have this issue and don't know it. That missed block or that whiffed light attack and you simply put it down to your own error. I was the same, had my suspicions that something wasn't right with the game but then shrugged it off.

    However, when I go in to fight Dorm and my StarLord is dashing back and forth randomly throwing light attacks for 5 seconds - I'm quite sure that that wasn't me. AQ Map 5 Day 2, just a few days ago.

    Today, it happened again AQ Map 5 Day 4. Voodoo against Voodoo, mine starts doing repeated light attacks without my control.

    Don't tell us to learn how to play, we know how to play, that's why we know there is something wrong with this game.

    iPhone 6S
    IOS 10.3.3
    MCOC 15.1.2
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    heck I was fighting in AQ earlier and Im in the middle of a combo when the ai just up and hit me with a heavy. I'm like...WTF???
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