Doctor Voodoo's loa chance

So, dr. Voodoo. My main man, my buddy. A friend of mine was arguing that voodoo's ability accuracy on an even combo would make his 10% chance to place a loa turn into a 20% chance. Now me, being a voodoo pro, I know him like no other champ in this game and I love him to death, I am pretty damn sure that it doesn't increase his loa chance at all. I am pretty sure it stays at 10% chance to place a loa, if your ability accuracy isn't reduced of course. So, I'd like for someone or a mod to confirm if his signature ability doesn't affect his loa chance or not.
And if hes awakened he gets 100% extra ability accuracy on even combos
So 10 +10(100/100) = 20% chance
Are you fighting against higher CR enemies? If so, you will have reduced ability accuracy. When I use my duped 4* DV in arena or the heroic event quest he stacks loa's like crazy, but in master they hardly trigger at all.
I'm sorry, I don't know these things.