What doth my roster require?

What the title says. Additionally, what crystals should open? Featured, basic, duel class?
Thanks in advance
Edit: this is an older photo, so my Sentinel is not shown as a rank 3, which he is.
Post edited by Kabam Rose on
EDIT: You really have to fix up your masteries, an r4 quake for me was 7.5k and I didn't even have assasin or DW or despair
Killmonger(mainly for synergy, but great in his own right)
5 star rank 4 champs
All of this assuming you're planning on cav run
Go for Science and Mystic dual crystals
Think of all the sick options in that pool
Cap, Torch, Doom, BWCV, Thing, Red Guardian (in two weeks), etc ..
Open basics, you'll benefit from champs in pretty much every class
Stick to basics.
Also, RIP Kamala Khan pfp
Also, she’ll be back in a couple years (assuming I’m still around)
What about the Quake pfp...