Shell alliance still an issue

DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
In the midst of the AW fiasco I hope Kabam hasn't forgotten that there are still many players exploiting the game and using shell alliances to rack up easy 5* shards and get ahead of other players. Kabam still needs to fix this issue ASAP


  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    How does that work?
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Those alliances also forgo AQ so you get to rank higher in AQ. Since AQ is more important I don't mind it actually (as weird as it is to say)
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    In the midst of the AW fiasco I hope Kabam hasn't forgotten that there are still many players exploiting the game and using shell alliances to rack up easy 5* shards and get ahead of other players. Kabam still needs to fix this issue ASAP

    Lol. Just seen you post on a defender diversity thread and quote (this is the new system quit the game or stop crying) maybe you should take you're own advice.
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    edited September 2017
    This is different this is a exploit not how Kabam intended things to be. Cheats out other players who play honestly too.
  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    I mean, how do "shell alliances" work? That doesn't make sense to me.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Aq isn't most important to everyone. Nothing's important to my alliance. We get about 150 in aq and don't care about aw. Lost every war since the update because of diversity. If defender kills were a thing we would have won several of the wars
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    I mean, how do "shell alliances" work? That doesn't make sense to me.

    Basically you have an alliance, win every war till it gets hard, then go to an empty alliance (or it had 1 member to start AW) and win every war, and just keep swapping
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Well with the shell whenever you stop you still need to play wars with the alliance you left so it loses as rating while you are in the other alliance
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    They only forgo aq rewards for one week when they switch every couple months, easy fix raise the rewards for higher tiers so it's worth staying in them, these guys do create easy wins for the guys that stay in tier 1 but they ruin it for teams like mine that don't use items and so sit in tier 4, they run two alliances one they use crappy players and second accounts to lose 20 wars in a row then switch to that alliance and run through tiers 6,5,4,3 to 1 again having easier fights against the lower teams while their real alliance becomes the shell
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    They kinda forgo rewards for 2 weeks to climb the tiers
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Working as intended. They forgo rewards but in the end it works out to being more shards and thus worth it.

    My 2.2mill alliance tier 10 ran into an 11mill alliance and they were very talkative in the warroom until I asked how such a strong alliance was in tier 10. LOL.

    I feel as mentioned before raising higher tier rewards for even losing would prevent this.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Agreed, we were a tier 1/2 alliance and basically trapped into using items to
    Stay there half the time, we would have considered this shell idea at the time, we had an alliance split and rebuild and we became semi retired alliance, was hard to replace boss killers and so many recruits couldn't clear those aw lines so we just stopped using items and made a conscious decision to drop until we were at a level we didn't have to use items on, tier4 rewards are so similar to tier 1 there is no incentive to climb again and use items but we get the 12m shell alliances through every now and then, it just makes sense for them. Why wouldn Oh want to stay in tier 1 and face monsters every war when the rewards are almost identical for all your hard work
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Also the nodes in tier 1, 2 and even 3 were so much harder, the drop to 4 map was so much easier to make it through, less armour, less thorns, poison and bleed nodes were only enhanced abilities, so much easier for almost identical reward
  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    I'm trying to keep my shell alliance warm whilst the home owners are away but I keep winning vs other shell alliances, its just not fair.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    This is how shell alliances work:

    Alliance creates 2 alliances. Members fight in one alliance and create separate accounts (or a few create separate accounts) and leave them in the other alliance. Then, when he alliance they are in have climbed back to where it's difficult to win, then all jump to the other alliance (which has been losing wars and thus dropping rating) so the wins become easy again. They then put the few alternate accounts in the other alliance. They run wars with that alliance and lose so the alliance loses war rating while they coast through tiers 3-6 with members who have high tier 2/low tier 1 accounts. Then, when it costs them a lot of items to win a war, they jump back to the other alliance.

    This issue gets me going bc we have gotten screwed twice by the same alliance that basically got to us, had to heavily spend to beat us, and then the next thin I notice, their PI went from 10 million to 1 million. I checked the names of the alliance members that were the "MVPs" and noticed they all switched to the same other alliance.

    What really irritated me most was that their alliance "bragged" on the member page about how strong they were and yadadada. If you are strong, try facing actual competition each week.

    I'm not sure how shell alliance is still working now unless u just mean bc of defender rating or bc u don't have the account/skill to 100% opponent. Plus, with t2a frags now part of aq rewards, bigger disincentive to forego aq rewards.
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