Diversity Acknowledgement

Just wondering if kabam has in any way acknowledged what a kick to the groin the aw diversity has been to people's rosters? Have I missed it?

I know that most of us on this forum know what I'm about to say but I need to get it off my chest anyway.

Many (heck probably most) players have Nightcrawler, magik, juggs, mordo, bpcw etc etc etc that were ranked purely for Aw. They're now useless champs gathering dust.

You could say magik has use in the game outside Aw. True - but what about those who ranked the 4* even though they had a 5*?
What about the fact that bpcw or og spidey are basically useless as offenders?
What about several people in the one alliance who all tried to get the mordo, dorm & hood synergy for defence?
There's SO many examples like these.

These upgrades then wasted precious resources like t2a, t4cc, 5*shards etc that some of which are near impossible to get. Let alone the fact that we now have to rank up champs that have absolutely no use in the game besides diversity.

It's really not fair & completely disrespectful to players who had been playing the game 100% as intended till diversity came along.

I don't want this to be a rank down ticket thread as it will get shut down.

Instead I'm just honestly wanting some kind of proper acknowledgement from kabam. If it's happened please let me know & I'll shut up Haha. But I think as a dedicated & vocal player base that we all deserve more.


  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    More so than 4* defenders, Kabam changing the meta this drastically makes everyone who wasted 5* shards on feature defenders (mainly Dorm) extra discouraged. Iceman as well, but he's a good attacker also.

    The changes just marginalize what a lot of players have been doing and working toward. That coupled with the new point system and easy map basically just rubs our face in diversity and says they just don't care about our "progress". Really discouraging.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I grinded for dormamu to awaken with a generic dig and put him on defense. Not going to happen now. Glad I didn't take him past 3/30 yet or awaken him
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    @Deadbyrd9 Exactly my scenario... and fortunately I saw the writing on the wall as well. My Dorm would never see the light of day, because others already have him ranked up. He stays at 3/30 unawakened unless I dupe him.
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    Gotta rank up those Spidergwens, Joe Fixits, Iron Patriots, Luke Cages, and Netflix Daredevils to win.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    Gotta rank up those Spidergwens, Joe Fixits, Iron Patriots, Luke Cages, and Netflix Daredevils to win.

    That's too hard. It is much easier to whine in the forums.

    So now we will have a bunch of crybabies whining that they have too many tier 4 class cats going unused and magically disappearing from their stash. (Oh wait, that's already happening since the old forum days. Never mind.)

    Like virgins, they were saving themselves for the "god-tier" heroes, only to be denied because someone in their ally beat them to it.

    Evidently, it no longer pays to chase (or should I say upgrade) "god-tier" heroes unless you are the first in your ally.

  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    rank down tickets
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I grinded for dormamu to awaken with a generic dig and put him on defense. Not going to happen now. Glad I didn't take him past 3/30 yet or awaken him

    I grinded for him twice and took him to 5/50...sure wish I had waited one week for that rank up
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    rank down tickets

  • andrade5184andrade5184 Member Posts: 298 ★★
    we need rank down tickets if this bs stays. period
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    we need rank down tickets if this bs stays. period

    We don't. you have won wars and gotten rewards in the past with those champs. You have gotten higher aq rewards bc of prestige with those champs. Return all or the rewards won and then maybe I can see an argument for rank down tickets
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    What they have done is no different then what they did with 12.0 but this time just focused on AW.

    Rendered champs that had a useful purpose virtually useless.
    Completely ignoring questions about reimbursement for mastery points that only served the purpose for AW.
    Increased overall costs (time, units, pots, ect.) without increasing the returns.

    The new AW system actually has better ROI if just place enough defenders to be part of the BG, and then ignore attack all together. Winning an AW rewards do not justify the costs and waste of champs to do it anymore...

  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I grinded for dormamu to awaken with a generic dig and put him on defense. Not going to happen now. Glad I didn't take him past 3/30 yet or awaken him

    I pulled mine from a PHC before his arena and DID awaken him with a generic gem and put him to 5/50. He will be benched as we have a 5* rank 4 Dorm that will be taking his place from one of my alliance mates. At least he got a couple of months of usefulness. I do wish I had that generic awakening gem back though...
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    The two biggest issues with diversity, which anyone who actually played the game could have told you before even playing the new system are:

    1 - With no defender kills and every champ being the same on defense, pulling a champ that is a great defender isn't exciting anymore. When opening crystals there were three groups of champs; attackers, defenders and garbage. Now there is only attackers and garbage.

    2 - Keeping track of an alliance's diversity is an absolute nightmare. You've turned a fun aspect of the game where everyone tried to get and rank the best defenders into a chore of tracking everyone's roster and assigning defenders for EVERY SINGLE WAR.
    Every time someone leaves/joins the alliance, new defender lists!
    Every time someone ranks a new defender, new defender lists!
    Every time someone ranks a new attacker, new defender lists!

    Diversity is the most idiotic addition to the game yet and with how stupid Kabam is, that's saying something.

    Yes. Yes. 100x yes. I was just complainig yesterday how much longer war placement takes. Newsflash: it is not fun to hunt to make sure there aren't the same champ in your own bg before placing and then feeling "discouraged" when u mess up placing a second spider gwen bc u missed one was already there. I would rather be "discouraged" by dying to a 5* r4 dormamu than be discouraged for accidentally placing a second Hawkeye, she hulk or spider Gwen. The former encourages me to practice and hope our defense can hold opponents. The latter encourages me to break my phone and curse bc I know the war is already lost.
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    On one hand you have summoners complaining that their T4cc is expiring, and Kabam has a "brilliant" solution, rank up your Luke Cage and Spider-Gwens if you want to win AWs

    On the other hand you have summoners with limited T4cc who have saved for months to rank up specific champs like Nightcrawler and Dormammu for defense, only to find out their champs be used if they want to win AWs
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    The two biggest issues with diversity, which anyone who actually played the game could have told you before even playing the new system are:

    1 - With no defender kills and every champ being the same on defense, pulling a champ that is a great defender isn't exciting anymore. When opening crystals there were three groups of champs; attackers, defenders and garbage. Now there is only attackers and garbage.

    2 - Keeping track of an alliance's diversity is an absolute nightmare. You've turned a fun aspect of the game where everyone tried to get and rank the best defenders into a chore of tracking everyone's roster and assigning defenders for EVERY SINGLE WAR.
    Every time someone leaves/joins the alliance, new defender lists!
    Every time someone ranks a new defender, new defender lists!
    Every time someone ranks a new attacker, new defender lists!

    Diversity is the most idiotic addition to the game yet and with how stupid Kabam is, that's saying something.

    Yes. Yes. 100x yes. I was just complainig yesterday how much longer war placement takes. Newsflash: it is not fun to hunt to make sure there aren't the same champ in your own bg before placing and then feeling "discouraged" when u mess up placing a second spider gwen bc u missed one was already there. I would rather be "discouraged" by dying to a 5* r4 dormamu than be discouraged for accidentally placing a second Hawkeye, she hulk or spider Gwen. The former encourages me to practice and hope our defense can hold opponents. The latter encourages me to break my phone and curse bc I know the war is already lost.

    They can easily fix the bottom issue by just letting us edit our defense during the 24 hours they give us instead of locking in our first picks. I've played other phone games with war features and defensive setups, and you had up until attack phase begins to modify your base.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Fair point.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    DJRipster wrote: »
    On one hand you have summoners complaining that their T4cc is expiring, and Kabam has a "brilliant" solution, rank up your Luke Cage and Spider-Gwens if you want to win AWs

    On the other hand you have summoners with limited T4cc who have saved for months to rank up specific champs like Nightcrawler and Dormammu for defense, only to find out their champs be used if they want to win AWs

    Then you balance both...add back a metric for defense kills. That way alliances at the higher tiers with extra t4cc and where deaths are not as frequent on the new map can take advantage of diversity and alliances in middle and low tiers can have the freedom to choose who they want to rank up.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Thawnim wrote: »
    DJRipster wrote: »
    On one hand you have summoners complaining that their T4cc is expiring, and Kabam has a "brilliant" solution, rank up your Luke Cage and Spider-Gwens if you want to win AWs

    On the other hand you have summoners with limited T4cc who have saved for months to rank up specific champs like Nightcrawler and Dormammu for defense, only to find out their champs be used if they want to win AWs

    Then you balance both...add back a metric for defense kills. That way alliances at the higher tiers with extra t4cc and where deaths are not as frequent on the new map can take advantage of diversity and alliances in middle and low tiers can have the freedom to choose who they want to rank up.

    I don't understand your "solution." Wouldn't this further encourage the shell alliance game where top alliances just drop down to lower tiers where they can run through opponents more easily? And, are u suggesting eliminating "diversity" in lower tiers altogether (which would further encourage shell alliances)?
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Thawnim wrote: »
    DJRipster wrote: »
    On one hand you have summoners complaining that their T4cc is expiring, and Kabam has a "brilliant" solution, rank up your Luke Cage and Spider-Gwens if you want to win AWs

    On the other hand you have summoners with limited T4cc who have saved for months to rank up specific champs like Nightcrawler and Dormammu for defense, only to find out their champs be used if they want to win AWs

    Then you balance both...add back a metric for defense kills. That way alliances at the higher tiers with extra t4cc and where deaths are not as frequent on the new map can take advantage of diversity and alliances in middle and low tiers can have the freedom to choose who they want to rank up.

    I don't understand your "solution." Wouldn't this further encourage the shell alliance game where top alliances just drop down to lower tiers where they can run through opponents more easily? And, are u suggesting eliminating "diversity" in lower tiers altogether (which would further encourage shell alliances)?

    The shell game will continue to be a problem and will probably only be resolved with better rewards across the board. And I am not saying diversity should be eliminated, but that defender kills should count the same amount of points as diversity. If we are truly stuck with diversity I would like the option to balance out diversity with defender kills. That way if I place 30 NCs then I am banking on the assumption that my alliance will forego the extra diversity points with a higher amount of kills.
  • andrade5184andrade5184 Member Posts: 298 ★★
    we need rank down tickets if this bs stays. period
    Run477 wrote: »
    we need rank down tickets if this bs stays. period

    We don't. you have won wars and gotten rewards in the past with those champs. You have gotten higher aq rewards bc of prestige with those champs. Return all or the rewards won and then maybe I can see an argument for rank down tickets

    lmao ok how much does kabam pay u to troll everyones post. it doesnt matter how much you earned from a champ that you ranked in the past the only thing that matters is the champ i have dumped hella resources into has no purpose now. so the only fair solution to the problem at hand is that the one who is changing the way the game is played needs to let the ones playing it repurpose there champs since resources for ranking up champs are not as abundant as they should be.
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