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Help Please - Who to R5?

SashaFierceXSashaFierceX Posts: 30
edited September 2017 in Strategy and Tips
Closing in on or already have T4CCs for mutant, tech, and science and need advice on who to R5 next.

Current R5s - Voodoo, Gwenpool, Hyperion, and Starlord

No worth while 5*s

AQ Maps 54444
AW Tier 6-9

Completed 5.2 and 100% master monthly but have not finished Realm, Road to LoL, or 5.3.

Full suicides with max Deep Wounds and Willpower.

Don't care about prestige.

All listed options area awakened or can be if ranked up.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Help Please - Who to R5? 34 votes

NevvBYellsomeThatsausageS1N1STR3Jank39Humble_Gr8NessUnsaferBinkie7SpeedbumpLucashood123456SakkbanTheMageHunterReDeXeDeRBreynolds11R4GEPeterStreitAshburnAnonymous346zero7DOKTOROKTOPUSsamarthaadi 25 votes
Spity68Djackz_1 2 votes
CobraArupravy 2 votes
AOU Vision
winterthurzuffyHuluhula 3 votes
sbb75zerogods 2 votes


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    samarthaadisamarthaadi Posts: 31
    edited September 2017
    bro you have decent attack power already. hell, rol should be a breeze. archangel for more attack (dont make me jealous bro) and ultron for defense. but defense doesn't matter anymore, so yeah, archangel for attack and maybe x23 for regeneration, but you have voodoo already.
    P.S. im extremely jealous of those champs :)
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    Jon8299Jon8299 Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Which 5* do you have? You might miss out on an opportunity to rank up a really good champ, and not know it.
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    Haha thanks @samarthaadi

    @Jon8299 for 5*s I have R3 Sig 40 Rhino (pulled 3 times :neutral: ) and unduped R2 Iron First, Iron Man, and Ant-Man
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    Dexman1349Dexman1349 Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    AA is an absolute beast, he's one of my first R5's. His only downside is that he is very dependent on his bleed/poison ability. So if you find yourself up against an immunity node, you're in for a long fight.
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    AA is a god. Ofcourse as mentioned before his weakness would be a double immune champ or immune nodes. His bleed is still very good if the enemy is poison immune. But when he's not restrained, the neurotoxin is insane. And they give stun debuffs when they expire so even more damage opportunity.
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    I guess I also should have included wait and grind for Iceman as an option bu haven't decided that yet.
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