Am I missing anything? ( Act 6 help)

Hey, I just wanted to ask 2 things - firstly, besides the specific problem fights that will get changed, are all the act 6 attack value nerfs already in place? Is it worth starring 6.1 or will there be further nerfs anywhere?

And then, with the champs I have is there any area I could focus on throughout to help throughout chapter 1-4?

I'm hoping to clear all of it in quick succession and think I have most champs that are required but wanted to double check if there's anything that would help ( champ utility wise )?


  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    I think I 100% Act 6 with a worse roster lol

    You definitely have a lot of good pieces to get you through 6.1 easily. The attack values have made 6.3 and 6.4 much more doable. Seems like you’ve got a lot of Act 6 work ahead of you!
  • IamTryingMyBestIamTryingMyBest Member Posts: 76
    OGAvenger said:

    I think I 100% Act 6 with a worse roster lol

    You definitely have a lot of good pieces to get you through 6.1 easily. The attack values have made 6.3 and 6.4 much more doable. Seems like you’ve got a lot of Act 6 work ahead of you!

    Yup, there's alot to do that's for sure! I guess now is a good a time than any to start then. I think Cap sparkles, Doom and stealthy are the only ones that would help throughout but I can't keep waiting on them.

    Thank you for the reassurance of making it through the slog and awesome for 100%-ing it yourself!!
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    If I had any suggestion to give at all is to think about r5 your 5* CAIW if he’s near max sig or you can get him close. I used my max sig A TON throughout exploration but you also have a few more ranked up choices than I did that I haven’t used all that much

    His perfect block + utility at max sig is just about unmatchable to me
  • IamTryingMyBestIamTryingMyBest Member Posts: 76
    OGAvenger said:

    If I had any suggestion to give at all is to think about r5 your 5* CAIW if he’s near max sig or you can get him close. I used my max sig A TON throughout exploration but you also have a few more ranked up choices than I did that I haven’t used all that much

    His perfect block + utility at max sig is just about unmatchable to me

    I hear you with CapIW, I was planning on doing as much but when I pulled RedG - I checked lots of vids and saw he was able to do bit of what Cap does plus his own unique things a great slow and being able to block unblockable specials. I'm hoping for a science gem from the free AG from the calender and will sig him up for sure since I've already ranked him.

    But I'll keep Cap on the radar still, thanks again 🙂
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