Am I missing anything? ( Act 6 help)

Hey, I just wanted to ask 2 things - firstly, besides the specific problem fights that will get changed, are all the act 6 attack value nerfs already in place? Is it worth starring 6.1 or will there be further nerfs anywhere?
And then, with the champs I have is there any area I could focus on throughout to help throughout chapter 1-4?
I'm hoping to clear all of it in quick succession and think I have most champs that are required but wanted to double check if there's anything that would help ( champ utility wise )?

And then, with the champs I have is there any area I could focus on throughout to help throughout chapter 1-4?
I'm hoping to clear all of it in quick succession and think I have most champs that are required but wanted to double check if there's anything that would help ( champ utility wise )?

You definitely have a lot of good pieces to get you through 6.1 easily. The attack values have made 6.3 and 6.4 much more doable. Seems like you’ve got a lot of Act 6 work ahead of you!
Thank you for the reassurance of making it through the slog and awesome for 100%-ing it yourself!!
His perfect block + utility at max sig is just about unmatchable to me
But I'll keep Cap on the radar still, thanks again 🙂