My LOL Progress

So far I'm at Falcon and I'll update this thread as I move along through my first clear of Labyrinth
I've saved 7-8 revives, one team revive and 50 level 3 potions
My team:
5 star r5 g2099
5 star r4 NF duped
5 star r5 quake(who I will use for magik FML)
5 star r3 MS(For the cosmic fights and for degen synergy)
4 star r1 Hemidall(Synergy)
If I could, I would swap out MS for a regen synergy but I still think this team isn't bad
0 units used so far, around 10 presaved level 3's used
Red Hulk: Easy solo, watch out for evade because that can clip you. On my try before this, I got clipped and had to restart. Used r5 g2099
OML: I find him super easy to fight, go for intercepts and build up combo shield early. Used r5 g2099 solo
Elektra: Took a bit of block damage because of her l1, and almost got punished for a really bad intercept but baiting l2's and actually dexing the l1 would help here
Mrs. Marvel: Class disadvantage, but honestly I was able to get her down really easily
Unstoppable Colossus: Don't use g2099 here. I got a solo, but was super lucky he was passive and dashed back a lot. Again, bring in she hulk or a slow champ for this fight, but g2099 can get a solo
Colossus: I made a huge error here. Pushed him to l3 by accident and ate 50% of my hp because i had to power drain him. Other than that, easy solo
Thats it for now, i'll update once I beat magik
yes I did quake ex magik. No you should not do that. yes it is a cheap options
besides that its smooth sailing and i'm at War machine rn
Full writeup coming soon because I have work to do but I'll write up every fight + rewards
This is going to be my gift back to the community. Since I've used so many guides over my progression, its my time to give back. I left off at Colossus so here's the fights from there
Falcon: Super annoying fight because of l1, but I got lucky and he threw l2. If you want to do this fight with no HP loss, push to l2. Solo, used r5 g2099
Gamora: I am so so so embarassed to say this, but I struggled. Her evade RNG + My Light intercepts suck made me take 10(!!!) hits. G2099 rocks here, I did solo this fight
Magik: I wrote about this earlier, but I did quake this fight. I put on 20% greater champion boost, 15% atk boost and another small boost i forgot about
I did 13 hits, took 7 with quake because I did 1-2 combos when I messed up. I used my r5 quake, was a solo on magik. In the future, DO NOT QUAKE HER unless you absolutely have no one else.
War Machine. F*** you. To elabroate, his l1 is so annoying because I kept on dashing back and tried to evade it when its almost impossible unless you have ninja timing. Thank goodness g2099 is bleed immune, no revive solo but holy **** this fight was not clean at all
Antman: This fight wasn't as bad because I think there might be a bug or is intended idk. G2099 even when glanced still does her energy damage for me so I think there's something else at play here. Solo, 0 revives
Daredevil Netflix: Throw your special god damn it, I managed to solo him nothing special here but he would not throw his specials unless I dashed back like 4-5 times. Other than that, g2099 has no projecticles except the last part of her l1 but easy fight
Venom: Mfer was aggresive as heck and had to dex an l2 against the wall but other than that, he's easy with g2099. If you have a slot on your team, I highly recommend to use them instead of g2099 or your rampup champion.
Iron Fist: Really easy fight, was probably my cleanest fight. Nothing much to say here
Civil Warrior: He's actually kinda annoying. His OAAR sucks. Do not make him throw his l1 or else his armors reduce offensive AAR. Always push to l2 rather than baiting l1. I did really bad here, ate 5 hits but g2099 is tanky AF so I lived. In the future, bait the l2 and please watch out for LOL Evade
Maestro: Ahh the final boss. I will admit. I got so so so lucky here. I went in with g2099, messed up on l1 evade at 52%. Then I threw NF, MS and Quake and only took him down to 36%, and then I managed to get the last 36% down with g2099.
Pointers: Use Aegon, anyone other than g2099. I got really lucky, you may not. Always bait l2, so much easier to punish. L1 i can fully evade ~ 90% but sometimes I block instead of swiping so that gives you degen. Yes he is quakable, (cough cough magik) but I wouldn't recommend you do that. NF does not work here because of AAR, but he still did a solid 10%. I'll post rewards in the comments after
Very pleased with these rewards. I duped my 4 star ronan without using a gem and also got THING and Mr. fantastic, champions I always loved to play.
Final conclusion: LOL is deifntely worth its time, I still haven't tackled the 6.2 sinister but I think if you have a good champ for LOL, go for it. I used 1 revive on maestro, and around 30 l3 potions farmed from ROL throughout the whole run. Thanks for reading guys, FRITO-Man out.
Also just did my completion run today with starlord, magneto and human torch
Was relatively easy
One revive used on dpx (foolishly kept attacking then he triggered power gain)
Two on venom (ran out of potions, didn't farm or prepare to actually play Labyrinth)
And and 4/5 lv1 revives on maestro. The other opponents were solos. Magneto all the way