Ended up using ghost and did a marathon of ghost. Couldnt use Guilly with suicides because of the huge shock I got.
What shock?
Nanoplauge node, inflicts shock when poison fails to apply to a robot. At the start of the fight, the suicide poison will fail to apply, causing the shock to be inflicted.
Ended up using ghost and did a marathon of ghost. Couldnt use Guilly with suicides because of the huge shock I got.
What shock?
Nanoplauge node, inflicts shock when poison fails to apply to a robot. At the start of the fight, the suicide poison will fail to apply, causing the shock to be inflicted.
Fun and interactive... Another thing I've gotta keep in mind then.
Ended up using ghost and did a marathon of ghost. Couldnt use Guilly with suicides because of the huge shock I got.
What shock?
Nanoplauge node, inflicts shock when poison fails to apply to a robot. At the start of the fight, the suicide poison will fail to apply, causing the shock to be inflicted.
Fun and interactive... Another thing I've gotta keep in mind then.
It’s not that bad. Either turn off suicides or don’t get hit by a heavy attack.
And in terms of overpowering the node with raw damage, G2099 is the fastest option by miles...
Another thing I've gotta keep in mind then.