Crit Rate Vs Damage

What is the difference between Crit rate and Crit damage?
I asked because I tried out a team with 6* R2 Covrus, 6* R1 Maw, 5* R5 Thor Rags, 5* R4 Nick Fury, and 5* R4 Black Panther OG against Winter Soldier in ROL. Using the synergies Corvus hit the same, even after the armor brake is applied.
I asked because I tried out a team with 6* R2 Covrus, 6* R1 Maw, 5* R5 Thor Rags, 5* R4 Nick Fury, and 5* R4 Black Panther OG against Winter Soldier in ROL. Using the synergies Corvus hit the same, even after the armor brake is applied.
Crit damage is the damage from the critical hit