Doom doesn’t really need awakening. Can’t speak for domino
Neither does Sorcerer, Doom's the kind of champ that you want the full potential out of since he's so damn awesome. Plus that awakened ability is actually super useful in a lot of scenarios (just take a look at KarateMike's vid today). I'd go Doom and Colossus easy.
I'd go doom and colossus. Colossus's sig is really good and a namor dupe won't do much unless you can get sig 200. A mystic ag isn't too valuable, imo. the two common candidates for it are voodoo and mojo. however, dooms sig is decent and he's an amazing champ, so more on top is good
for all other reasons - Doom + Colossus
Doom or Sorcerer Supreme for mystic, neither need it but it's nice to have
Mutant use it on Colossus.
I would have gone for them
Mutant - Collossus, because he very heavily relies on it
I think Ghost Rider and Colossus would be better options.