Platinumpool Might Actually Be Awesome Lol

20k+ sp2 (could be a lot more if you stack more prowess), managed to stack 42 bleeds (and once the opponent is bleeding, all basic attacks pause the bleed for one second per hit), nice stun from sp2, lots of regen opportunities & the ability to go indestructible for 5 seconds, plus a lot more I’m sure I haven’t discovered yet. Only knock so far is he definitely isn’t suicide friendly.

Personally, because
1. I got him down to 5% like 2 times and he literally regened back to 50%
2. Idk why but he also placed bleeds on me
3. Randomly went unstoppable and unblockable
4. also, he is kind of stun immune since the stun is of such a short duration.
I got 57 bleeds too