Looking for those last pieces to the puzzle - LF2 for AW-focused alliance

Hey all, we are searching for the last two to complete our lineup for the upcoming AW season. We're a mainly EU/UK alliance with a group of Indian/Bangladeshi players, and one lonely (but really polite and likeable) Canadian.

We're formally an AW focused alliance, who, despite being only 15.5 mil in size, manged to hold on in Gold3 even after the war rating changes. Tier fluctuates between 7 and 10,dependibg on how many 30mil alliances we face in a row ;). We run 2 BGs, so as to not stress people out - real life sometimes means you can't be around for war, we get that; hence the rotation to make sure everyone gets their wars.

We also discovered we apparantly aren't horrible at AQ, hitting 186mil score last series, to our surprise and joy. We run 555/554 with heroic mods, and generally clear 160 mil, even during wars, but prioritize champions for AW.

We're an alliance of adults, many of us are parents, so we get enough kid drama in the everyday - we expect our members to understand their actions impact others than themselves, and to basically not be asshats.

We are social, and like to equally commiserate on horrid crystal luck (sorry, but we are kinda cursed, so fair warning), as well as, when bored enough, to begin theorycrafting the most horrible node combinations imaginable.

All in all, I'm proud of our members, but I'd like to see our team full.

If you're thinking "that sounds good, who do I contact?", I'm so glad you asked, hypothetical person:

You can poke me on Line - QuietusDK, and we'll talk. I expect prestige around 7k,mostly as you're expected to be able to run AQ and AW at the same time.

Catch you on the flip side :)
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