LF Players Interested in Map 7 and T5 Shard Crystals From Honor Rewards

Looking for a couple players who want to run map 7 with Epic modifiers to get T5 Frag crystals from honor rewards. Map 7 experience is not required. We run no-item AWs and finish Gold 1.
Prestige: 10.6+, ideally. Will take lower if the fit seems good.
Time Zone: US based or similar preferred but not required
Contact me on Line, in game or reply to this post if interested.
Line ID: Bubba6161
IGN: •Bubba
Ally Tag: DH-DŁ
Prestige: 10.6+, ideally. Will take lower if the fit seems good.
Time Zone: US based or similar preferred but not required
Contact me on Line, in game or reply to this post if interested.
Line ID: Bubba6161
IGN: •Bubba
Ally Tag: DH-DŁ