Why is my calendar 1 day delayed compared to anyone else?

Everyone in my alliance got the 5000 6* shards yesterday but not me... I am running the alliance ... in the last 3 years I never missed a day of log-in ... I got my awakening gem yesterday and will get my 5000k 6* shards today... it is not a big deal but I wonder why my calendar is delayed compared to everyone else in the same timezone... any ideas? Thanks!
Everyone in my alliance got the 5000 6* shards yesterday but not me... I am running the alliance ... in the last 3 years I never missed a day of log-in ... I got my awakening gem yesterday and will get my 5000k 6* shards today... it is not a big deal but I wonder why my calendar is delayed compared to everyone else in the same timezone... any ideas? Thanks!