Initial Abyss Run Question

Would a 6* r2 unawakened HT be better than a 5* r5 awakened one? or do you only need his pre-fight for the Mephisto encounter. Also is G2099 a viable replacement for Aegon?
Thinking my team would look like
G2099 5* r5
HT (can’t decide which yet)
NF 5* r5
Doom 6* r2
And another champ
Thinking my team would look like
G2099 5* r5
HT (can’t decide which yet)
NF 5* r5
Doom 6* r2
And another champ
I don't think G2099 is a good option as the main clearer. You waste roughly half your hits of almost every match just building her up to the point where her damage starts to ramp up. Not to mention you can't even carry your combo over if you have to keep reviving for the same enemy. Those rare instances where you end a fight with her SP3 will make her damage pretty nice for the following fight. But I feel like this method would end up being a much bigger resource drain than if you used Aegon, whose damage just carries over to the next fight regardless if it's a new enemy or the same one.
In terms of 5* champs I have multiple awakening gems and stones as well as a handful of t5 basic for rank ups. I might need to wait for Aegon by the looks of it though
i)Symbiote Supreme (For Medusa, Hyperion, Champion, Aegon, Cull Obsidian and VTD).
ii)Human Torch(For Mephisto, IMIW, Mordo and Loki).
iii)Nick Fury(For Quake, Invisible Woman, Joe Fixit, Howard The Duck, all champions that can be bleed).
iv)Corvus Glaive(For Ghost and Collector, don't worry Suicides not needed, there is a mastery setup for Corvus with that setup you don't have to use Suicides).
v)Spiderman Stark Enhanced(Thing and Omega Red).
@StevieManWonder @BeroMan what you think?
IMIW for the x4 charges on corvua