Is this version of war the finished product ?



  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    Yeah but I think when the Utility masteries came out, there weren't too many champs with buffs and people didn't know the imolications of MD and Juggs in the AW. Who would think to use him in the early stages of the AW?
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    I remember using my 3* UC to beat Thanos.

    Same here, but that was probably cause he was your best 3* mystic at the time.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    I remember using my 3* UC to beat Thanos.

    Same here, but that was probably cause he was your best 3* mystic at the time.

    I wasn't very apt at the time. Didn't even have Parry or Dex unlocked. I used him because I could get the most Damage off with Unstoppable before I died. Lol.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    I remember using my 3* UC to beat Thanos.

    Same here, but that was probably cause he was your best 3* mystic at the time.

    I wasn't very apt at the time. Didn't even have Parry or Dex unlocked. I used him because I could get the most Damage off with Unstoppable before I died. Lol.

    I beat Thanos with no Utility masteries available. At least I don't believe it was at the time for me.
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    Actually, I would almost say that having a hands-on approach is one of the best ways to point out issues. Having people play it can give some information on a scale that simple testing may be blind to.

    Really? This is meant to me a working solution which had been tested, there is no way the testing of this couldnt point all the issues with it we have been making dince its release. At somepoint you have to lay blame for poor performance at the feet of kabam as its their product and they deemed it ready for release.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    The whole reason people consider those Champs useless is based on the comparison of how other Champs performed in the old War System.

    The new system isn't any different than the old except that it artificially devalues the strong champs and makes them worth the same weak ones. This is why people are pissed.

    The ones that were considered the "Top Champs" were the ones who either did the most Damage in Attack, or got the most Defender Kills in Defense.

    Correct. And that's the reason why people used them. And grinded for them. And spent money and time ranking them up.

    The rest were called garbage.

    They weren't called garbage, they were garbage. Hence, why players didn't use them.

    Which is why people have such a mindset that they all suck except for the same few ones.

    And that's because they do.

    Now that we have a meta where they can all be used, people have a hard time letting go of that mentality.

    This new meta single handedly destroyed everyone's long term efforts for the arbitrary reason of "diversity", which on the surface serves no purpose than to appease a minority of whiners but in actuality it was designed as a gigantic long term cash grab.
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
    Diversity is an interesting concept that was very poorly executed. The changes to AW have effectively eliminated both skill and strategy. I get why kabam wants to "open our rosters up" but once again they have missed the mark....badly. The previous AW was flawed and needed to be changed but they have made it worse particularly for end game players.

    Perhaps more than beta testing kabam needs a focus group because clearly the developers have no clue as to what the players really want.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★
    Expanding the use of our Rosters is not a bad thing. That's about all I have to say. People are not happy. I get it. It was inevitable. War can't continue to be just a formula of getting the same Champs and dominating forever. It's change. One that means more versatility. People are entitled to feel how they feel. The main reason I'm not bothered is because I don't get attached to any Champs. I make use of all of them in one way or another. There is no such thing as a pyramid of Champs. There are over 100 separate ones. Preference is added by us. Not the design. This is an endless debate. Those who are not happy with Diversity will argue against it. I don't want to play a game where I get set in one way of playing, myself. There's no fun in that. I don't see any skill involved in placing the same Champs over and over, and watching them KO the opponent into a Loss. The system validates effort because it's based on acquiring and Ranking Champs, which is a reflection of the game itself. That's just how I feel. Everyone else can feel how they want.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Preference is added by us. Not the design.

    You are 100% undeniably incorrect to say this. The design makes champs different, and it is their differences (strengths and weaknesses) that guide our preferences. No one has ever ranked up Magik because she is their favorite Marvel character. She gets ranked because of her obvious strengths in AW defense, and to a lesser extent her usefulness in quests.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Diversity would be fine if paired with defensive kills. An alliance can then decide if they want to place a **** champion and gain diversity or gamble that their better defender will yield a kill and score that way. I do not see anyway diversity as a scoring metric can work without defensive kills.

    Once you add back defensive kills you have to address the nodes being too easy. Even with the harder defenders this map will be explored at a greater rate than the older map. You don't need to go insane but the nodes need to be tuned up.

    Finally portals is an absurd approach to artificially make a map take longer. It sucks so much of the joy out of playing a war map. No one wanted aq for war. In old war my path was either 2 or 3 towards stun immune sub. I would make 5 moves possibly 6 on day 1. Wake up in morning and be able to complete path. It was not an all day commitment of checking in for energy or nodes. This new map structure sucks
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    When they add back in super hard nodes make sure none of you whinging now come back and cry then.

    I don't see any issue with war, change happens in life... get over it
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    When they add back in super hard nodes make sure none of you whinging now come back and cry then.

    I don't see any issue with war, change happens in life... get over it

    I can only speak for me but war was the only aspect of the game I still enjoyed. I played in a retirement alliance for a month or so that ran map and basically never finished but ran tier 2 war. I have this war map 3 runs then said f it and parked my account till things are fixed.

    To each his own but I never complain3d about the hard nodes or having to face 3 nc and 2 spiderman with a magik boss taking stun immune sub
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2017
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Diversity would be fine if paired with defensive kills. An alliance can then decide if they want to place a **** champion and gain diversity or gamble that their better defender will yield a kill and score that way. I do not see anyway diversity as a scoring metric can work without defensive kills.

    Once you add back defensive kills you have to address the nodes being too easy. Even with the harder defenders this map will be explored at a greater rate than the older map. You don't need to go insane but the nodes need to be tuned up.

    Finally portals is an absurd approach to artificially make a map take longer. It sucks so much of the joy out of playing a war map. No one wanted aq for war. In old war my path was either 2 or 3 towards stun immune sub. I would make 5 moves possibly 6 on day 1. Wake up in morning and be able to complete path. It was not an all day commitment of checking in for energy or nodes. This new map structure sucks

    I agree with this and have been saying similar myself, diversity on its own doesn't work but with defensive kills it then adds an element of strategy back into the game.

    The nodes definitely do need to be reworked; how about class specific nodes (tech champions get double attack) or perhaps affect the sig ability somehow (imagine luke cage's sig occurring twice or lasting double the length).

    There's loads of ideas that could be used to improve the nodes, kabam just need to be a bit more creative when creating the nodes.

    In short though, defender kills MUST be returned to bring some sort of skill and strategy back into wars.
  • Memnoch72Memnoch72 Member Posts: 12
    The system validates effort because it's based on acquiring and Ranking Champs, which is a reflection of the game itself.
    The lack of a consequence for loosing a champ while attacking combined with diversity has, for our alliance, created an environment where most of us see very little point in ranking up champs for defence. Diversity has created a need to acquire new champs but with such easy nodes and no defender kills, there's very little point in wasting resources on champs that will solely be used for defence.
    Combining defender kills and diversity would definitely be a step in the right direction to improve the current state of AW.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,835 ★★★★★
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    They listened back then when people told them they hated the proposed Arena changes, then again when they announced the changes to Scarlet Witch (it would have been the first time). Don't know why they didn't listen this time.

    They listen. That doesn't automatically involve letting people decide what changes come and what don't. There's a fine line between feedback, and trying to control the direction of the game.

    Yeah but people pointed out a major flaw in the new design, well before they took down the last version of the AW and released this one. In fact they had a week to make the appropriate changes and still released a very flawed product.

    The arena and Scarlet Witch proposed changes were quickly scrapped, they could have gone ahead with them and this would have been the result. People complaining multiple times a day in multiple threads.

    People pointed out how bad the scoring system would be when it was first announced and they didn't listen at all. Then, during week 1, it was a disaster just like the people predicted. They have selective listening, at best.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    When they add back in super hard nodes make sure none of you whinging now come back and cry then.

    I don't see any issue with war, change happens in life... get over it

    I like when war was hard it has the best rewards it should be. It forced your group to use what it had to navigate the op nodes. Once your BG had built a diverse roster you could handle all that stuff and it was satisfying to defeat the hard content. Not saying there wasn't room for improvement just that I didn't mind the challenge.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Also this won't be a popular opinion but this force close thing is udder ****. Let's all take unlimited cracks at every node ??? How is that a competition.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    When they add back in super hard nodes make sure none of you whinging now come back and cry then.

    Kabam's strategy is to keep pounding their oppressive business tactics into us no matter what.

    Every change they make is in their interest and not in ours.

    With 2.0 they' nerfed the value of our rosters by focusing it on diversity since the nodes are so easy that both teams can 100% the map.

    When we tell them to get rid of diversity and make the nodes harder, they will KEEP diversity (so that we're still screwed), AND make it HARDER (double screwed).

    These are their tactics. So the people asking for harder nodes should realize what they're doing because Kabam will make it even worse for us and then tell us that they "listened!".
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Whiners: waaaaah..I don't have SW, Thor, DS, SL, and BW! Help!

    Kabam: *licks their lips*. We listened! SW/Thor/DS/BW/SL have now been "adjusted"!

    Whiners:: waaaaaaah...i need content! the game is too easy!!! give me harder content!

    Kabam: We listened! Here's challenger rating! Your champs now have an expiry date! Say goodbye to your rosters when we give you another star level!


    Kabam: We listened! We will give you access to T5Bs soon! In the meantime, here's some 6*s! Challenger rating says hi!

    Whiners: My roster sucks and my alliance sucks and I'm lazy and need free stuff! I can't handle AW! Get rid of mystics!!

    Kabam: We listened! Here's AW 2.0! All your rosters are equal now! We enjoy your feedback, have a nice day!

    Everyone needs to shut it and stop feeding Kabam what they want to hear, cause they'll take our suggestions and use it against us.
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