Laid Back Alliance looking for a new member

Hello players. my name is zbot34 one of the Officers in Infinity Gauntlet. we are currently searching for a player to join our alliance. We are super laid back, we don't have mandatory donations on a weekly basis as of yet. We run Map 4 two to four times a week with a map 3 once or twice to help gather up potions and revives. we are currently at a alliance rating of 4.5 mil we do ask that you use the Line App, Communicate well and understand or at least are willing to learn to work as a team when completing Alliance Quest and Wars. We are looking for summoners that are level 35 or higher with at least 6 to 8 Four Star champions ranked 4/40. if a laid back alliance is what you are looking for and want to help build something into a great alliance please hit me up in game under the same name: zbot34 Thanks Take care!
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