Max out 4* Havok or ArchAngel? (please read text)

disturbedgeniusdisturbedgenius Member Posts: 98
edited October 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I've been waiting for months to be able to max out my 4* Havok, whose SP2 and SP3 is absolutely amazing. But i've just recently discovered the greatness of ArchAngel, which is also a 4* in my roster.

So i wanted to double check here which one should be a first choice to max out, since i will probably not be able to max out the other one until some time next year.

Also please consider that i mainly play Daily Quests, Incursion, Arena, AW and AQ. So having champions most suited for Act 5/6 in the Story Event is not as important.

So should i max out Havok or ArchAngel?

Max out 4* Havok or ArchAngel? (please read text) 12 votes

MagnaAngemon_333 1 vote
Lvernon15Kill_GreySarvanga1_ChikelFluffy_pawsJragonMaster170Gr8TonyStark[Deleted User]QuantumEmperorXVpsiw_o_lliwRedox 11 votes


  • disturbedgeniusdisturbedgenius Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2020

    He melts everything that isn't bleed/poison immune

    But Havok's SP3 instantly kills pretty much everyone below 80 health, is AA absolutely better despite that?
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    edited October 2020
    AA also has the ability accuracy reduction, provided he is duped, thats more valuable than damage imo. He can shut off many abilities, nodes and regen.
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