New Aliance recruiting mutants whom are not interested in War, AQ focused, there is no need for chat apps as we use telepathy, the ally's chat room and common sense, lol. Only active players while AQ (Map4) is on need to apply as there is no room for leeches, pros or 2 accounts here. Interested in growing fast, get cavalier, compleate act 5 or 6? if that is you MUTANT then request entrance to the island or add me User name:
Rick Xavier.


  • Rick_Xavier23Rick_Xavier23 Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2020
    New Alliance recruiting mutants whom are not interested in War, AQ focused, there is no need for chat apps as we use telepathy, the ally's chat room and common sense, lol. Only active players while AQ (Map4) is on need to apply as there is no room for leeches, pros or 2 accounts here. Interested in growing fast, get cavalier, complete act 5 or 6? if that is you MUTANT then request entrance to the island or add me
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