Where is an update for this alliance war that is no longer a war

Lossing again and again because of defender diversity is getting frustrating. 100% exploration not enough, defender kills... nope dont count here anymore! Kabam said in the past we want this to be more skill based. Didnt happen. Now we have to grind for feature champs to make our rosters more diversified or use our units for luck in crystals, or good luck in featured 5* crystals. Is this the working as intended statement we get from this new war. Why do we have to make our own spread sheets to see all the champs so they dont over lap in placement phase. Why cant we see our diversity rating before we finish placement phase. Can we see some of the feed back or suggestions from the " beta testers" why not just make this a beta test for us the last few weeks. Take our best suggestion and be creative. Even youtubers stop recording wars because it isnt even good content to put out. Pls let us the players that spend grind and play your game more than some of the programmers do. Give suggestions to make your product even better fun and fair to each level a player is at. Were losing interest in this game and fast. Give us defender kills back at least for mini boss and main boss nodes. Look a good suggestion. Im not black balling kabam. Im trying to give input.
Dont ignore the player base before we revolt, hence the boycott early this year. embrace it before it implodes. Sincerely your long time player base. If you comment try and make suggestions on how to make war better.
Dont ignore the player base before we revolt, hence the boycott early this year. embrace it before it implodes. Sincerely your long time player base. If you comment try and make suggestions on how to make war better.