Rank 4 for 4* Duped Arc Angel or 4* Duped Medusa

Ricardo60289Ricardo60289 Member Posts: 369
edited September 2017 in General Discussion
Both are great Attackers when dupped. AA has bleed and poison for its enemies.. while Medusa has Fury stacks that stack up to 3 & they can be converted into a Parry when being attacked, due to her Sig ability. I'm a newer player so Medusa would benefit me & my team more because of her Higher Prestige ? She's up there + she's poison immune. ☺️

Rank 4 for 4* Duped Arc Angel or 4* Duped Medusa 11 votes

Arc Angel
Xerxes15DrOctavius2_2Haji_SaabTheLazyKingYellsomeChefburkevinniegainzLonqB 8 votes
INTEGRALPeterStreitRicardo60289 3 votes


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