Bug in Event Quest: Have You Seen This Dog ? Heroic level Chapter 3 Latchkey 98% Explored Two Kings

I am an avid player of the game and this is the first major bug I have come across stopping me from progressing. It's in Event Quest Have You Seen This Dog ? Heroic Level Chapter 3 Latchkey 98% Explored Two Kings 96% Explored. Every time I pass the punisher, Rogue & then the first Kingpin the green progression light never stops at the next Junction. It always goes automatically towards the right to Wolverine(x23) & Vulture. I want to go downwards to Cyclops & Superior Iron Man to complete the event & claim my rewards but it never lets me. I've tried 6 times now. I have used up 4 Level 5 health potions, 15 level 2 health potions & 45 level 1 health potions, 6 full energy quests and time and effort wasted.Do you think I can be compensated for the units I have spent on health potions and be awarded with the rewards for completing the event seeing as I have beaten Kingpin already ? I typed in Mazza as my username but was given Mazda, if anyone knows how I can correct it I would really appreciate it.


  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    It cannot be done from there

    You need to go center path and then turn up towards them
  • MazzaMazza Member Posts: 3
    Really ? Is it that simple ? I don't know how I overlooked that. I'll give it a go, thanks very much.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Lol i made the same mistake while I was doing heroic :p
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