Help! Which should be my first R5 5*

Hi guys,
Been putting it away for too long. Have been waiting for an Omega Red,Corvus, Aegon, Nick Fury or Ghost but since they don't show up I just want a R5 5* now goddammit.
AQ/AW are of no concern to me. All I want is champs that would help me reach Cavalier. Finished (unexplored 100% yet) Act 5 and haven't touched Act 6 yet. For what it's worth, I also have a R2 6* Capt. Marvel Movie (hence why I have been waiting for a NF but ah well)
Also, I don't run suicides. Considering now to try half suicides ( sans liquid courage) but maybe not.
Vote please.
Been putting it away for too long. Have been waiting for an Omega Red,Corvus, Aegon, Nick Fury or Ghost but since they don't show up I just want a R5 5* now goddammit.
AQ/AW are of no concern to me. All I want is champs that would help me reach Cavalier. Finished (unexplored 100% yet) Act 5 and haven't touched Act 6 yet. For what it's worth, I also have a R2 6* Capt. Marvel Movie (hence why I have been waiting for a NF but ah well)
Also, I don't run suicides. Considering now to try half suicides ( sans liquid courage) but maybe not.
Vote please.
Help! Which should be my first R5 5* 46 votes
R4 5* Medusa (duped x20)
R4 5* StarLord (duped x100)
R4 5* Dr. Voodoo (duped x40)
Interesting that Magneto is winning. When I started this poll my top two contenders were Human Torch and Magik, then Domino perhaps. Never imagined Magneto will become into my top two.
I understand Magneto's strengths in term of metal champs, but I kinda agree with the thought that Magneto can destroy them almost as equally as a R4 than a R5. Perhaps it will do it quicker though , but maybe it would need say 20 prowess as opppsed to 10.
However, I imagine that the returns of taking Human Torch To R5 would be much more dramatic in terms of damage, no? He already melts through most content (pun intended) as an R4 , his only counter are incinerate immune and/or nodes that punish DoT debuffs, but even these can be bypassed by his pre-fight ability. All I would need is to rank up his sig to make sure I can use it more often in Act 6 quests. I Imagine that his nova flames would be just so incredibly lethal as a R5 that very few champs/nodes (metal, robots included) would stand a chance. Am I correct on this assumption? If not please let me know!
Magik is top too cuz her utility as power control, you can never get enough of that. Also IF ( and that is a BIG if) in the future I ever decide to go the suicides masteries route, she'll benefit greatly from those as well.
I'm surprised there's no love for Domino. However, I can kinda see now why an R5 Mags could potentially be more consequential than a R5 Dom though.
You might find surprising that I also have a R4 5* Quake (unduped). But I didn't put her on the list cuz I don't enjoy playing her. Yes she is among the top two or three best champs in all the game and yada yada but I really abhor having to use her. Meaning Of course that I suck at using her. But I suck at using her precisely because I don't like using her. So what's the point of playing a game for fun/entertainment if in order to play it you need to constantly use a champ u don't like? So there's that.
So, as of now, still torn between HT, Magik and Mags.
Please keep voting and commenting. It really is of great help to me.
Please Please Please vote and comment!
As for your dilemma between magik, magneto and human torch, I don't have a 5 or 6* magneto but my 4* one really crushes every single fight I take him into (including cav eq). I voted him cause there are many metal fights and bosses in cav, who magneto can just go through without a worry.
I personally have a 6* human torch who really helped me get through cavalier, but what I will say about him is that you have to play really aggressively, which I love doing, but according to me human torch won't be as valuable if you're just trying to push through 6.1 and after finishing 6.1, you probably will be able to r4 him
Although I understand you don't like playing quake, what I can say is if you learn how to play her and use magneto (on top of that a 6* re cap marvel movie!) You could easily finish cavalier with only 300-500 units max
Magneto is only good against metal, which you can use cmm for anyways.
Keep those votes and comments/ opinions coming! Hoping to get a total of 50 votes or so and will make a decision then. Who knows, you might even convince me to go for Mags instead than Torchy!
counterpoint to you saying that he can do everything at r4, now he can handle a lot of fights that aren't metal
So far you are convincing me on Mags ...
Thank you all for your votes and helpful comments.
At the end I started analyzing at what rate I've been gaining t2alphas and t5generic shards and determined that I am probably about a month or two tops away from being able to rank a 2nd 5* to R5.
Thus, decided to go with my gut this time and R5 Torchy. Regardless, Mags is definitely next in line thanks to your helpful comments. If it weren't for this thread perhpas Magik or Domino would be in the ticket but they are no longer a priority over Mags.
In case you're curious, what male me sway towards Human Torch was that I think he is the best complement of my other Top Champ, which is a R2 6* CMM. Her weakness are mystics cuz she gets degenerated for getting her binary charges with them. So i figured that Torchy would do what my CMM cant and more.
Mags, get ready, you're next!