Djin said:CaV cRyStAlS wErE nErFeD.Congrats OP!
CaV cRyStAlS wErE nErFeD.Congrats OP!
WhatElse said:Wow, you won the game mate. Which one did you pick? Mysterio or Elsa?Congrats on the pulls!
Wow, you won the game mate. Which one did you pick? Mysterio or Elsa?Congrats on the pulls!
Thicco_Mode said:awesome! who did you choose from the second one?
awesome! who did you choose from the second one?
Hammerbro_64 said: Djin said:CaV cRyStAlS wErE nErFeD.Congrats OP! WhY dOeS kAbAm OnLy GiVe GoOd PuLlS tO wHaLeS???I got a 4* nexus from my most recent login GMC
Saakkiller1995 said: Thicco_Mode said:awesome! who did you choose from the second one? Elsa
Thicco_Mode said: Saakkiller1995 said: Thicco_Mode said:awesome! who did you choose from the second one? Elsa I would've gone for her too
TheHeroDeserved said:Elsa is great! Good choice OP!
Elsa is great! Good choice OP!
Saakkiller1995 said: TheHeroDeserved said:Elsa is great! Good choice OP! Thanks bro, but no offense what is OP?
Kill_Grey said: Saakkiller1995 said: TheHeroDeserved said:Elsa is great! Good choice OP! Thanks bro, but no offense what is OP? Original poster.
Saakkiller1995 said: WhatElse said:Wow, you won the game mate. Which one did you pick? Mysterio or Elsa?Congrats on the pulls! Elsa
Congrats on the pulls!
Congrats OP!
I got a 4* nexus from my most recent login GMC