Act 6.3.6 Ghost no wasp

Soyheyor123Soyheyor123 Member Posts: 395 ★★
edited October 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I was watching some videos of this fight with Ghost, but most of them seem wasp-dependent, and cap is doesn't seem aggressive enough to play without her.
Has anyone seen or tried to do this fight without wasp? Thanks in advance


  • TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Ita definitely possible without Wasp, but its a longer fight. Hood is a must, though.
  • LlenparLlenpar Member Posts: 14
    I've solod 6.3.6 CAIW with Ghost without wasp, just makes it a longer fight as you can't get the burst damage in when his kinetic shield is down with your sp2 reliably. I ended up hitting him with lights when I couldn't deal damage to him to get the cruelties up, and stacked them up with sp3. Wasn't horrible at all.

    The Hood synergy is a must though because he will get to a sp3 from Surging Vengeance
  • Soyheyor123Soyheyor123 Member Posts: 395 ★★
    Llenpar said:

    I've solod 6.3.6 CAIW with Ghost without wasp, just makes it a longer fight as you can't get the burst damage in when his kinetic shield is down with your sp2 reliably. I ended up hitting him with lights when I couldn't deal damage to him to get the cruelties up, and stacked them up with sp3. Wasn't horrible at all.

    The Hood synergy is a must though because he will get to a sp3 from Surging Vengeance

    Did you parry or dashback to throw ur sp? @Llenpar
  • LlenparLlenpar Member Posts: 14
    Didn't use sp2. Back with the old nodes if you parried him he got out of hand quickly and I didn't want to deal with that, so I simply chose not to use sp2 at all (also am not great at using the dashback sp2 method) and just use the special 3.

    With the new nodes I'm sure you can do either method now!
  • Soyheyor123Soyheyor123 Member Posts: 395 ★★
    Ty! I'm gonna try
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    I used Ghost without suicides, Hood or Wasp because I don't have them (except suicides, I had to turn it off for my others). Used Heimdall synergy and about...3 revives? 🤔
  • Soyheyor123Soyheyor123 Member Posts: 395 ★★
    It worked!

    Maybe I'll rank up him, idk yet
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