AW question re: node 22

Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
So I took on Doom on this node with Torch, and it went way better than I would expect, even considering Torch's advantage over mystics. My strategy was to parry as many times as I could before attacking, and throw a heavy or two in there. The DOT was huge though, right from the start, like 1000-plus damage a tick. I did not record this fight because no one in the right mind wants to watch my gameplay (even me), and after re-reading the node I cannot figure out why this was happening. Defense was running Protect tactic, but Doom is not L or XL, so that was not a factor, even if it could have been. Maybe a bug?

My Torch is rank 2 6 star, and I did use a 30 percent boost. But I had just dueled Doom before that, and I have since, and got no results like this.

Not complaining.
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