Completed act 4 Fairly quickly. But what’s the next step?

IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
I completed act 6 on my main account But lost it when I changed devices (no longer have that email and forgot password).

So I started the game during the last 2 days of the treasure island quest and have grinded 26 four-star and 2 five-star heroes in 17 days. Yesterday I competed act 4.

For 4.3 and 4.4 completion I used
4/40 Red Magneto sig 20
4/40 omega red sig 38
4/40 ghost unduped
3/1 ant man (synergies only)
4/40 Captain marvel movie unduped

I think I can explore act 4 with my current roster ( I was able to one-shot maestro using a 4/40 unduped ghost,) but I don’t think I am even close to being able to complete 5.2 to become uncollected. If I rank 5 ghost and omega red is that possible? I desperately need class catalysts but can only buy greater glory crystals from the store. What would you advise? My prestige is only 2902. Haha. A newbie again

What’s my best next step?


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    100% everything before you go farther
  • HavocGamer49HavocGamer49 Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    Once you get a team of r5 4* you should get uc, so I would start 100% act 4 while u wait for any insane 4* or 5* and once u got like 3-4 r5s then take it on.
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    normally i would advise to wait and grow your roster, but you aren't really a new player so i think you can still give act 5 a try and see how far you can go, your champions' selection is really nice ^_^

    also a lovely rank up advice: take that apocalypse to R5! *_*
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