6.3 and 6.4 help

AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
With the requirements for Thronebreaker coming out i realize I have to stop being lazy and finish act 6 completion. So im just looking for any tips or help with any of those "problematic" fights that we all know and love. Ive looked at a bit of stuff before just glancing at a few things and got some general ideas. I'll post a few pictures of my roster just for reference since I know it'll come up.

Any counters for bosses or some of those lanes which are fun and interactive please let me know! Trying to spend as little as possible unit wise since Black Friday is coming soon. I just gotta hope for a good Mystic to r3 or enough cosmic t5cc to be able to r3 someone.

(Yes I know I have a ghost. Please dont suggest her because I suck so much with her I dont bother.)


  • JollyHawkJollyHawk Member Posts: 613 ★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    You're definitely set. I used only 5 rank 5's for my entire 6.3 and 6.4 run: AA, Ghost, Stealthy, G2099 and Claire. Had suicides off for 6.4, and I advise you switch it off as well if you wanna save items.

    Your stealthy can handle adaptoid, darkhawk and Mysterio. Magneto for darkhawk, Mysterio, infinity man, torch for darkhawk, aegon for paths...in fact; I don't even have so much useful tips to give you because of how stacked your roster is! Bro, you can easily complete act 6 with that! Good luck.

    Claire saved me a ton of units in 6.3 and 6.4 with her healing on SP2 (Bleed). She was a beast of a lane clearer for me.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    JollyHawk said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    You're definitely set. I used only 5 rank 5's for my entire 6.3 and 6.4 run: AA, Ghost, Stealthy, G2099 and Claire. Had suicides off for 6.4, and I advise you switch it off as well if you wanna save items.

    Your stealthy can handle adaptoid, darkhawk and Mysterio. Magneto for darkhawk, Mysterio, infinity man, torch for darkhawk, aegon for paths...in fact; I don't even have so much useful tips to give you because of how stacked your roster is! Bro, you can easily complete act 6 with that! Good luck.

    Claire saved me a ton of units in 6.3 and 6.4 with her healing on SP2 (Bleed). She was a beast of a lane clearer for me.
    Me too!
    Although, I resorted to G2099 for most path clearing for her speed and sustainability. Claire without suicides wasn't healing quite enough, but G2099 had no such problems. I used Claire for some annoying fights like no retreat annihilus.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    Astounds said:

    With the requirements for Thronebreaker coming out i realize I have to stop being lazy and finish act 6 completion. So im just looking for any tips or help with any of those "problematic" fights that we all know and love. Ive looked at a bit of stuff before just glancing at a few things and got some general ideas. I'll post a few pictures of my roster just for reference since I know it'll come up.

    Any counters for bosses or some of those lanes which are fun and interactive please let me know! Trying to spend as little as possible unit wise since Black Friday is coming soon. I just gotta hope for a good Mystic to r3 or enough cosmic t5cc to be able to r3 someone.

    (Yes I know I have a ghost. Please dont suggest her because I suck so much with her I dont bother.)

    You could knock out exploration with that roster if you really wanted to.
    For completion just stick to the easy paths and it isn't much of hassle
    Also unless you're an intercept god with starky you're going to want to practice ghost for 6.3.6 CapIW
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Capiw was cakewalk with aegon.
  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    Bruh if I can attempt with my r4s you can definitely clear it, I'm just waiting to r4 my Gwenpool..
  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★
    I just completed 6.3.4 (IMIW) 6.3.5 (Mysterio) with Magneto...he was fantastic.

    I'm about to tackle CapIW with Ghost, is the strategy just 1 hit crits?

    This guide has been very handy. I like to bring 2 boss options

  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    I used Aegon a lot. He’s great at clearing most of the easy lanes and taking a decent chunk off the boss. I also used the Nick Fury/Quake synergy with him when I could.

    One thing that jumps out for me on that info-graphic above is that the Power Shield/Bane path in 6.4.1 was pretty rough for me. The Bane curse does SO much damage if it gets stuck on you for even a even a second or two early in the fights. I found the Do You Bleed path to be much easier. As long as you have a plan for the Gwenpool mini-boss (she reflects the bleed debuffs back to you). I used Warlock and finished her off with my ramped up Aegon. Some of the fights are quite long with Aegon, but it allows you to get him ramped to a really high hit count and make pretty short work of the Iceman boss. Good luck!
  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Thanks for all the help. Will probably wait a couple weeks til I have some more Potions and revives saved up (thank you improved solo events) and go at it and see what I get. Hopefully better than what I got some abyss 😒
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  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    HI_guys said:

    I recently finished my run if 6.3 & 6.4. except GM I used less than 10 revives and little to no health potions.

    Medusa, easy solo with Nick. But he should be alive for fight start. Trigger buffet then die and use 2 sp1.(did evade path)

    Nick Fury. Took 50% with Nick in first phase. His bleeds help push over sp2. Pretty standard Nick fight. HT with prefight helps.

    Havok. Unfortunately used a single team revive since I had no reliable Havok counter.

    IMIW. Did 25% with torch. Finished with Void.

    Mysterio: Mother***** has the fastest heavies in the world. Use a boost from previous chapter that gives you debuff immunity (50units). And you're set with Nick or stealthy

    CAIW: ramp up with Aegon and use him. When shield is down do heavy fury trick. Also save to sp3 and use it when Cap gets to sp3 or close. Shield should be down and get hit for furies. Finished last sone percentage with ghost.

    Iceman: easy game easy life with ghost and CMM.

    ThorRagn: Nick fury works perfectly even in first life. His 8 hit sp1 helps prevent power gain

    Dark hawk. A joke with magneto. Just get to an sp3 with 35 prowess and he's dead.

    CMM: Joke with any. Mystic.

    Adaptoid. ' easy solo with stealthy. Although I slipped up and used a revive

    GM. Hardest fight for me. Used 800 units (all team revhves) it takes some time to learn his special throwing timing and such

    I thought it was just me struggling with the Grandmaster. All the YouTube content creators talk about how it’s such a great fight. For me, it was pretty frustrating. There is a lot going on and just as I started to get it figured out, he switched to a new phase and I needed a slightly different strategy. I also blew about 8 team revives, along with a whack of team heal potions (for reference, I spent about 10-15 single revives and 1-2 team revives on the rest of 6.3 and 6.4 combined). Maybe I’ll have more appreciation for that fight when I try for exploration, but I am not keen to do it again anytime soon.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Ken1378 said:

    HI_guys said:

    I recently finished my run if 6.3 & 6.4. except GM I used less than 10 revives and little to no health potions.

    Medusa, easy solo with Nick. But he should be alive for fight start. Trigger buffet then die and use 2 sp1.(did evade path)

    Nick Fury. Took 50% with Nick in first phase. His bleeds help push over sp2. Pretty standard Nick fight. HT with prefight helps.

    Havok. Unfortunately used a single team revive since I had no reliable Havok counter.

    IMIW. Did 25% with torch. Finished with Void.

    Mysterio: Mother***** has the fastest heavies in the world. Use a boost from previous chapter that gives you debuff immunity (50units). And you're set with Nick or stealthy

    CAIW: ramp up with Aegon and use him. When shield is down do heavy fury trick. Also save to sp3 and use it when Cap gets to sp3 or close. Shield should be down and get hit for furies. Finished last sone percentage with ghost.

    Iceman: easy game easy life with ghost and CMM.

    ThorRagn: Nick fury works perfectly even in first life. His 8 hit sp1 helps prevent power gain

    Dark hawk. A joke with magneto. Just get to an sp3 with 35 prowess and he's dead.

    CMM: Joke with any. Mystic.

    Adaptoid. ' easy solo with stealthy. Although I slipped up and used a revive

    GM. Hardest fight for me. Used 800 units (all team revhves) it takes some time to learn his special throwing timing and such

    I thought it was just me struggling with the Grandmaster. All the YouTube content creators talk about how it’s such a great fight. For me, it was pretty frustrating. There is a lot going on and just as I started to get it figured out, he switched to a new phase and I needed a slightly different strategy. I also blew about 8 team revives, along with a whack of team heal potions (for reference, I spent about 10-15 single revives and 1-2 team revives on the rest of 6.3 and 6.4 combined). Maybe I’ll have more appreciation for that fight when I try for exploration, but I am not keen to do it again anytime soon.
    Yeah, I kinda hate how easy the YouTubers make it out to be after getting to experience the fight myself. The inverted controls phase was probably my favorite part of the fight, as I'm extremely comfortable with it, and didn't fail it once. The major problem is basically every other segment, especially when you're fighting against horrendous lag, connection issues, and super uncooperative AI as well.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    I had 3 5/65 When doing completion a while back you are good to go pm me in messages if you need any specific tips
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