With despair torch can also reverse heal but I think void is still worth for rank 5 and high sig will increase his fear of void damage so you can invest in sig stones later on and he is still helpful in many matchups.
I have a sig 160 one at rank 5. I run max despair nowadays, but trust me; he's an invaluable character, and nobody else does what he does. Not really sure how many stones you can give him; but even at a lower sig, he's still extremely effective. I literally just got despair like 2 days ago after act 6 completion; and I turned off suicides as well. What I basically mean is that I've only played him without despair so far. Helped me a lot in act 6, even when I was running suicides. At a much lower sig (around sig 80), he helped me get cav; Helps me a ton in monthly EQ, alliance war, that super annoying map 5 torch, variants; as a matter of fact, I made sure I was very judicious with my generic sig stone gain just so I could sig him up. Not cuz I felt he needed that high sig, but because of how much I love the character. I spent hundreds of units on last month's 4* challenge mostly to get stones for him. He's one of those characters that if you invest in, you'll never regret it. I even took him to rank 5 over my awakened CMM notwithstanding the fact that I have a 5* Nick Fury to pair with her.
Besides, there's a lot of nicheness in act 6 (which you're apparently exploring) that Void handles like a boss.
I have a sig 160 one at rank 5. I run max despair nowadays, but trust me; he's an invaluable character, and nobody else does what he does. Not really sure how many stones you can give him; but even at a lower sig, he's still extremely effective. I literally just got despair like 2 days ago after act 6 completion; and I turned off suicides as well. What I basically mean is that I've only played him without despair so far. Helped me a lot in act 6, even when I was running suicides. At a much lower sig (around sig 80), he helped me get cav; Helps me a ton in monthly EQ, alliance war, that super annoying map 5 torch, variants; as a matter of fact, I made sure I was very judicious with my generic sig stone gain just so I could sig him up. Not cuz I felt he needed that high sig, but because of how much I love the character. I spent hundreds of units on last month's 4* challenge mostly to get stones for him. He's one of those characters that if you invest in, you'll never regret it. I even took him to rank 5 over my awakened CMM notwithstanding the fact that I have a 5* Nick Fury to pair with her.
Besides, there's a lot of nicheness in act 6 (which you're apparently exploring) that Void handles like a boss.
Awesome, thanks for the long write up bro. This seals the deal for me. Void r5 🔜
I have a sig 160 one at rank 5. I run max despair nowadays, but trust me; he's an invaluable character, and nobody else does what he does. Not really sure how many stones you can give him; but even at a lower sig, he's still extremely effective. I literally just got despair like 2 days ago after act 6 completion; and I turned off suicides as well. What I basically mean is that I've only played him without despair so far. Helped me a lot in act 6, even when I was running suicides. At a much lower sig (around sig 80), he helped me get cav; Helps me a ton in monthly EQ, alliance war, that super annoying map 5 torch, variants; as a matter of fact, I made sure I was very judicious with my generic sig stone gain just so I could sig him up. Not cuz I felt he needed that high sig, but because of how much I love the character. I spent hundreds of units on last month's 4* challenge mostly to get stones for him. He's one of those characters that if you invest in, you'll never regret it. I even took him to rank 5 over my awakened CMM notwithstanding the fact that I have a 5* Nick Fury to pair with her.
Besides, there's a lot of nicheness in act 6 (which you're apparently exploring) that Void handles like a boss.
Awesome, thanks for the long write up bro. This seals the deal for me. Void r5 🔜
Awesome, bro!
I'm not sure why I forgot to add paragraphs; but it's 4 in the morning over here, so bear with me, lol
I only have 1 point in despair and my sig 100 Void is pretty awesome at 5/65. I actually think he needs rank 5 for his damage to really feel effective, he felt kind of underwhelming at rank 3 and 4. Once he’s at rank 5 he really shines imo.
I’ll r5 him for the abyss he gets the job done for thr easy path. He’s fantastic for long fights. I didn’t r5 him before since I had champs like quake/warlock for dealing with power/regen, but he’ll see the light soon
I have a science gem and finally pulled Void a month or so ago. Only have 16 science stones though. I do have a lot of generic stones but I'm saving them for the Aegon I'll never pull. I'll probably awaken and rank Void whenever I have enough stones to make it worth it.
I definitely use him a lot less than I did before, mainly because of other champs in the roster. Doc ock deals with powergain real easy, warlock for heal based problems, got incinerate and evade options already at r5/r2. Prefer champs like aa/domino/rulk etc for buffet/spite stuff. I mainly use him now for aq if I need to cover the torch boss m5 but even then discovered rulk can mash him down really fast.
I’ve not needed him yet for anything in act 6 which is finished and on 6.3 exploration currently having skipped 6.2.
He’s sat r4 on both my accounts but I do love the champ, done a lot for me in the past and might take him up on my main for abyss, undecided if I’ll use him atm as torch at r2.
Not saying he’s not worth it but your roster might gimp his usefulness.
I definitely use him a lot less than I did before, mainly because of other champs in the roster. Doc ock deals with powergain real easy, warlock for heal based problems, got incinerate and evade options already at r5/r2. Prefer champs like aa/domino/rulk etc for buffet/spite stuff. I mainly use him now for aq if I need to cover the torch boss m5 but even then discovered rulk can mash him down really fast.
I’ve not needed him yet for anything in act 6 which is finished and on 6.3 exploration currently having skipped 6.2.
He’s sat r4 on both my accounts but I do love the champ, done a lot for me in the past and might take him up on my main for abyss, undecided if I’ll use him atm as torch at r2.
Not saying he’s not worth it but your roster might gimp his usefulness.
You listed like 15 things hes very good for lol
Sure just saying personally I don’t use him for barely any of those things as I have better options for all of them either because they’re faster or already r5, have better synergies for my team etc. I know how to use the champ 4* maxed was huge for elders bane.
So I could have taken him to r5 but I’d still have barely used him in the last year.
Void and Human Torch are like a Venn diagram, in that some of the fights they can do same as each other, and other stuff that is different. I am kind of at the opposite of you - have an R5 Void, and am only considering ranking up HT to R5 just for Abyss exploration.
I like Void's animations more than HT though. Void's hunchback of notre dame stance looks better to me than Human Torch's weird straight front leg, back leg extended behind him. It looks like he is failing at doing a lunge stretch.
So, for the sake of aesthetic qualities, I'd R5 Void to replace HT.
He needs max sig actually Not really honestly w/o sigs Still An amazing champ tho
He doesn't "need" max sig. He is my 3rd 5* champion. Got him when I was just beginning to learn the game and even unduped he helped me out a lot. 2 weeks ago I got a science awakening gem from exploring 5.4 and immediately awakened Void, put 100 sigs in him and he got me Cavalier. He's my most reliable science champ. I have Human Torch at R4 but I really only use him against mystic and energy champions. I know Void will still counter a lot of champs once I begin 6.2 and beyond.
He's a good champion unduped, the awakening will turn him into a beast, and with more sigs, a God.
He's also tanky for someone made of... uhhh... Void.
Besides, there's a lot of nicheness in act 6 (which you're apparently exploring) that Void handles like a boss.
I'm not sure why I forgot to add paragraphs; but it's 4 in the morning over here, so bear with me, lol
Nonetheless, “he needs sig” doesn’t mean he is not good without it, but definitely a game changer if you get attack rating up given higher sig.
I’ve not needed him yet for anything in act 6 which is finished and on 6.3 exploration currently having skipped 6.2.
He’s sat r4 on both my accounts but I do love the champ, done a lot for me in the past and might take him up on my main for abyss, undecided if I’ll use him atm as torch at r2.
Not saying he’s not worth it but your roster might gimp his usefulness.
So I could have taken him to r5 but I’d still have barely used him in the last year.
I like Void's animations more than HT though. Void's hunchback of notre dame stance looks better to me than Human Torch's weird straight front leg, back leg extended behind him. It looks like he is failing at doing a lunge stretch.
So, for the sake of aesthetic qualities, I'd R5 Void to replace HT.
He's a good champion unduped, the awakening will turn him into a beast, and with more sigs, a God.
He's also tanky for someone made of... uhhh... Void.
This is the reason I maxed my 4star and am waiting for a higher rarity
That's why I am constantly opening science and mystic for void, quake or doom.