Reduce energy spend for Normal difficulty of monthly EQ

The one thing I loved about the old Beginner difficulty was that it cost 1 energy per move for every single quest from start to finish. Now that it's gone, and with both Uncollected and Legendary difficulty requiring 2 energy per move starting from Chapter 1, shouldn't Kabam reduce the energy cost of Normal to 1 energy per move all the way through since it is now the lowest difficulty? Or at least reduce the energy cost of Uncollected Chapter 1 to 1 energy per move? I have been a fan of doing every EQ difficulty every month for the free units, but the increased energy cost (plus sometimes needing to spend energy on side events like this month) has made this much less viable.
If you guys want to make so many god damn fricking paths then MAKE IT COST LESS. THIS ISNT THE BUSINESS INDUSTRY WHERE BUY MORE MEANS COST MORE