Djohnson2261 said:Recruiting 3 members aq map 4 aw silver 2 replacing non active members we do 2 maps
Recruiting 3 members aq map 4 aw silver 2 replacing non active members we do 2 maps
Djohnson2261 said:Line not mandatory what rating are you
Line not mandatory what rating are you
Djohnson2261 said:You have a screenshot of your profile
You have a screenshot of your profile
is line mandatory or not
if mandatory cannot join but if we can do it without line
would like to join
Top 5 are:-
Maxed out awakened 4 star human torch
4 star rank 4 iron man (IW)
5 star awakened rank 2 Nick Fury
5 star rank 2 black panther OG
4 star rank 4 black widow (Claire voyant)
profile pic venom (sin objective)