Counters for Chapter 3.1 Cav diff EQ

Struggling with the Biohazard, Encroaching stun, Specialist -2 and Bloodletting lane.
Are there counters that can make the lane at least bearable. I know encroaching stun is a skill oriented node but the AI becomes mildly passive at around 3/4 of the timer, leading me to launch a special into block to avoid being stunned which ends with me eating a combo afterwards. Having Blade, Dragonman and Storm X as defenders doesn't help either.


  • EinfachSoEinfachSo Posts: 269 ★★
    i just did this lane (was the last one for 100% the cav difficulty 😁) i used the same champs for the whole chapter. Sentinel, Colossus and warlock worked very well. I found the AI not passive and yes its all about timing (skill). fights can be longer because of the weaker Sp1 but that shouldn't be a problem.

    What i found stupid was, that when you stun the opponent, there is a second timer over the timer for the encroaching stun.
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Posts: 275 ★★
    EinfachSo said:

    i just did this lane (was the last one for 100% the cav difficulty 😁) i used the same champs for the whole chapter. Sentinel, Colossus and warlock worked very well. I found the AI not passive and yes its all about timing (skill). fights can be longer because of the weaker Sp1 but that shouldn't be a problem.

    What i found stupid was, that when you stun the opponent, there is a second timer over the timer for the encroaching stun.

    Yeah I noticed the second timer too but figured it's a bug since it didn't seem to affect me in any way. Guess I'll just have to tough it out and hope the AI cooperates with me like it did with you.
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