You’ll want to slow down while he has a debuff on him. After you poison him a couple times through hitting him he will reduce the poison duration to zero (this is why Bwcv dose not trigger her charges; he’s not immune poison just expires immediately) at that point it’s a pretty basic cable fight.
Oh and bring champions who do not rely on debuffs or bleeds, unlike your entire team!
I used Void too. Play it safe and avoid dexing. Parry -> MLM -> Parry -> Dash back -> Repeat until you get to a bar of power -> SP1 If you stack at least 2 Petrifies, the fight will be easier. If you placed Fear of the Void and at least one Petrify, you don't have to worry about his power gain anymore.
Oh and bring champions who do not rely on debuffs or bleeds, unlike your entire team!
Parry -> MLM -> Parry -> Dash back -> Repeat until you get to a bar of power -> SP1
If you stack at least 2 Petrifies, the fight will be easier.
If you placed Fear of the Void and at least one Petrify, you don't have to worry about his power gain anymore.