Game Crashes/Closing
Since the 13.1 update my game keeps crashing/ closing. Everything worked fine before the update....
Running Android and using a Samsung Galaxy S7. Please attend to this matter urgently as a fix is needed please.
Your priority on this matter will be highly appreciated. Thanks!
Running Android and using a Samsung Galaxy S7. Please attend to this matter urgently as a fix is needed please.
Your priority on this matter will be highly appreciated. Thanks!
So yea, you guys have no idea how bad it can get, having dealt with these crippling issues since March and receiving no compensation for the thousands of units, potions, and revives that I have wasted due to bugs. Hell, it took til early May for them to even start investigating the issue when I submitted crash logs via an app I found on my phone. I am glad at least the general crashing issue is now affecting more devices so maybe they will fix it soon and find root causes. Imagine getting used to the fact that you will lose at least one hero during each AQ/AW due to crashes, and that you can never load a fight with dormamu, archangel and several other heroes.
Hopefully, your post will raise the priority for fixing these problems...too bad the performance issue with weather effects is making the game completely unplayable on certain apple devices.