Abyss 100% question

OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,182 ★★★★★
How well does Sorcerer Supreme work for Abyss exploration? I did initial clear using DV and have since pulled Longshot but my best mystic options are those three and Magik.

I’m wanting to start planning my Abyss exploration since that’s all I have left to do in the game at the moment lol but I don’t want it to be way more costly than it should. I know Doom is the best but if I can save up and grind and such beforehand and not have a terrible time with a different champ then I don’t mind not having him.

So how well would Sorcerer Supreme work?

Abyss 100% question 6 votes

She can work well as your mystic champ
No_oneukDoctor_Strange19PuttPutt 3 votes
Use one of your other choices - who?
Crcrcrc 1 vote
Keep waiting - it’ll be too costly with her
TotalMonster109Octoberstack 2 votes
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