Human Torch nova flames inflicts no damage

Cavalier quest ch 1.2, Nova flames are apparently not a debuff and inflict no damage, and as a result cannot inflict any damage at all as the Diss Track node needs 3 debuffs to inflict damage.
Quite frankly this is a Ridiculous node that needs to be scrapped, or include any and all kinds of debuffs even if they are ‘passive’.
Quite frankly this is a Ridiculous node that needs to be scrapped, or include any and all kinds of debuffs even if they are ‘passive’.

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Passive effects have never been considered debuffs. It's quite simple. Super easy node to play around. There are far more champions that can inflict debuffs than those that are good for buffed up.
You're complaining because there's literally one place in the game where they aren't an asset, and your solution is "Change the node?"
Just read the nodes, and next time don't turn them on, mate.