Looking for an Ally after season. Plat 4 would be Great. 300 mil+ AQ.


I am a 587,000 base rating account, with 9.8k prestige (9,796 currently). I am a smaller account, but I have more than enough experience in-game. I have done a run through all content in the game excluding V1 and Abyss. Additionally, I have 13 R5s/R2s and have had a lot of T4-T5 experience in war and also have map 6 experience. Have been doing path 8 in war for almost 4 seasons now and can get through without any deaths, depending on placements. (I can send pictures of roster and content being done on line)

I am currently the leader of a G1/P4 ally that does map 5x5 (some map 6) epic modifiers every week. However, I plan to step down after the season and am looking for an ally where everything is organized and people don't have to be reminded to do AQ/AW.

Other than that I'm an active, chill, fun player who just really wants to enjoy the game, being a leader took that fun away from me as it was stressful. So if anyone wants to hit me up and give me a try, my LINE ID is: razestrikeloxe. Or you can friend me in-game: RazeStrike.

Thank You!
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