Glass cannon

is there someone who can tell me what is wrong with this logic for why I dropped glass cannon? If it's not a good trade off to increase your attack by 99% but lose 99% of your health, then why is it a good trade off to increase attack by 7.2% but lose 7.2% of your health?
The amount of health you lose is the equivelant of one maybe 2 regular (non crit) hits. But the little bit of attack you gain adds up.
Plus @TheMageHunter is correct, the HPs you lose means nothing if you make a mistake and get combo'd out or take a special in the face. The AI is not forgiving enough to leave you hanging on, even their damage over time is really high. But the amount of extra damage you do with that attack gives you a greater chance to end the fight quickly, taking less damage along the way and also reduces time in which you might make an error.
I mean, think of it this way: In the late game, the enemies are so tough that you can only take maybe 1 (or 2 if you are lucky) combos from them before you drop. Even through blocked damage you can only block so much before you die.
The 7.2% drop in health would still translate to what I mentioned above. 7.2% is quite a bit of health, but when the enemies are so strong, that 7.2% means nothing when the opponent can take 5% of your health through a blocked hit in 5.3.
At least the increase in attack is worth it, because every hit you do is dealing more damage, so the extra damage accumulates and you probably saved yourself another 10-20 hits of punching the enemy. Remember, you want those tough fights to end quicker, and not to survive longer, because the longer you are in a fight, the sloppier you get because we are humans. So yea, I recommend glass cannon to anyone.
Its a no-brainer, great mastery