Final Uncollected Plans



  • jaysavagejaysavage Member Posts: 348 ★★
    @shield456 I just got uncollected with a roster a bit better than yours. I had 1200 units but didnt use any. I only used 1 40% revive but you should still grind up 500 units, maybe 800 units.
  • jaysavagejaysavage Member Posts: 348 ★★
    I had a 6 star like you, r4 arkus 5*, and 3 max 4*. My roster is better than yours but with your roster it's still doable. Just get some more units if you can. Cuz if you get stuck in that quest you'll have to grind arena and get units then buy revives until you win. Or buy units if your not f2p.
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
    So guys I'm half way there in 5.2.4 I just defeated Electro ambush and the game crashed 😂 so toke a break
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★

    Did with 4 revives

    Now will be looking forward for bane
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