Blackout period start when you leave, not join

I understand the reason for having a blackout period, which is to prevent abuse of game mechanics by hoppers, and I agree with the concept. But the way it is currently implemented also affects people that are not hoppers.
For example, I was getting a bit burned out from doing the Expert Map55553/High Tier AW grind with my former alliance. I would have been happy to stay with the group and go to a more casual play, but with a 30 member cap and everyone needing to participate to 100% 3 groups each day, obviously that wouldn't work. So I stepped aside to let a fresh body in, and I went solo for a few months.
Eventually, I got bored just grinding arena milestones, so I looked up people from my 1st alliance, saw them in a more casual alliance doing Advanced Map24242/Lower Tier AW, so I joined up with them recently, and naturally the blackout period started. As this most recent AQ series ended, naturally I didn't qualify for rank rewards, despite the fact that I was not what people would call a hopper and I easily did my fair share of the work in all 5 days of the AQ.
And that seems a little wrong.
TL:DR = Currently the blackout period starts when you JOIN an alliance. My suggestion is that it starts when you LEAVE an alliance.
For example, I was getting a bit burned out from doing the Expert Map55553/High Tier AW grind with my former alliance. I would have been happy to stay with the group and go to a more casual play, but with a 30 member cap and everyone needing to participate to 100% 3 groups each day, obviously that wouldn't work. So I stepped aside to let a fresh body in, and I went solo for a few months.
Eventually, I got bored just grinding arena milestones, so I looked up people from my 1st alliance, saw them in a more casual alliance doing Advanced Map24242/Lower Tier AW, so I joined up with them recently, and naturally the blackout period started. As this most recent AQ series ended, naturally I didn't qualify for rank rewards, despite the fact that I was not what people would call a hopper and I easily did my fair share of the work in all 5 days of the AQ.
And that seems a little wrong.
TL:DR = Currently the blackout period starts when you JOIN an alliance. My suggestion is that it starts when you LEAVE an alliance.
It would also help people that go on holiday and leave the alliance while they're away.
As in people in top 300 can sell spots in the alliance to people so that they can get t4cc and other great rewards
The person being carried would still have to be carried through the entire AQ event. If they could afford to do that for one 5 day event, they could afford to do it for more than one, which means they could do that today.