Classic Spider-Man Rework & Idea

BlazedFacadeBlazedFacade Member Posts: 3
edited October 2020 in Suggestions and Requests
Would be cool to see a different signature ability other than evade, and just put that in the base kit. Kinda overwhelming having the Spider-Man without evade. Peter is always known for being able to stick it out in the toughest scenarios. Think it’d be interesting having a signature ability that boosts either critical rate or damage. Another idea would be giving him a fury buff once he hits 50% and have it increase by a flat value for each 10% health lost.

As for an event idea. Could have a clone event introducing X-23 and Scarlet Spider as champions. Interested in hearing other ideas if anyone wants to chime in.


  • UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★
    X 23 is already in the game
  • BlazedFacadeBlazedFacade Member Posts: 3
    True, but Laura as Wolverine is a completely different character than she was as X-23. I’m talking the vicious weapon she debuted as in the comics.
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    How about having powers that show he is the godfather of spider people

    Gwen’s evade unblockable specials
    Starkey’s poise/taunt
    Stealthy’s fury

    and throw in a slow on his heavy (shoots webbing to bind them).
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Evade is part of his Spider-Sense. He also has armour break in case you forgot.

    While Spider-Man may no be a viable character quest wise after act 3. Once awakened, he is a real pain to deal with as a defender in AW.

    In fact, Spider Man was at one time one of the top 10 defenders for AW; and the only counter against him was Venom.

    Does he deserve a rework? Perhaps. But what you are suggesting TC needs to be tweaked. Yes to more cruelty and precision buffs. But a fury buff to Spider-Man doesn’t make sense.
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