Theirs no current way of finding guaranteed revives. You can scan old maps (don’t recommend), farm units via arena (the best way), or straight up spend money (😐).
And try to get the third Milestone of your solo Event everyday, it gives you one level 1 revive
Basically this. Just try getting that 3rd milestone everyday. Other than this I suggest utilizing marvel insider it's a good source for revives some months.
For arena, go all in on one set. It's progressive rewards, so you'll get 5 units for the first milestone, and then 10 for the second, and so on and so forth
Beat Winter Soldier on Realm of Legends (or as many of the champs as you can). Run the daily t4b quests. Revives are rare but restores can be gotten from those two quests. Otherwise? Boost before you need them!
anyway, there is no way to do this and it is not a part of the game. farm units from arena and buy them. there is absolutely no way to farm revives. 😉