They are both good. Like ThiccoMode said, it's down to preference. I have them both as a 5*. Venom is lower because I just recently got him. They are both outstanding, and I would go with Venom, but that is my preference. Go with your gut man and you won't be disappointed
Hype is better but he's better when he's duped. Venom is a beast unduped and I'm constantly jealous of everyone with a 5* Venom because he won't damn come out of my crystals
Hyperion, contrary to previous comments, doesn’t even need his dupe. It’s awesome when he gets it, but he doesn’t need it at all to be the god tier that he is. Awakened or not, he’s worlds better than Venom. (Although venom is also an amazing champion!)
Hyperion, contrary to previous comments, doesn’t even need his dupe. It’s awesome when he gets it, but he doesn’t need it at all to be the god tier that he is. Awakened or not, he’s worlds better than Venom. (Although venom is also an amazing champion!)
Contrary to your comment lol, Hype needs his dupe to be the beast that he is. I’ve played with Hyperion unduped for over a year as my best and with him duped for at least a year now. He is so much better duped. It allows you to chain L2s without sacrificing fury buildup, it allows you to build furies without playing overly aggressive, and gives more regen when you need to recharge for a second. I understand it doesn’t look like much, but it takes him from high demi straight to high god tier with minimal sig usage (20 is the sweet spot)
Hyperion, contrary to previous comments, doesn’t even need his dupe. It’s awesome when he gets it, but he doesn’t need it at all to be the god tier that he is. Awakened or not, he’s worlds better than Venom. (Although venom is also an amazing champion!)
Contrary to your comment lol, Hype needs his dupe to be the beast that he is. I’ve played with Hyperion unduped for over a year as my best and with him duped for at least a year now. He is so much better duped. It allows you to chain L2s without sacrificing fury buildup, it allows you to build furies without playing overly aggressive, and gives more regen when you need to recharge for a second. I understand it doesn’t look like much, but it takes him from high demi straight to high god tier with minimal sig usage (20 is the sweet spot)
yeah that's why I said it was up to personal preference, because I think hype unduped is about the same level as venom, but he's def better awakened.
Unless you have another gem to go to Hyperion, Venom is your better bet for right now.