Intercepting like a nin-jaaa

Here are some tips on how to intercept/counter some champs
1. Venom. ur gonna wanna light intercept his first light attack. works every time
2. Domino. u can easily medium intercept her medium attack, as it has a long duration. works every time.
3. wolverine weapon-x. The trick is called don't get hit. if u get hit u die. works every time
4. gully 2099. just knock her down and keep hitting her. she will die. don't use champs that are reliant on specials.
5. wasp. U need to get her to use her heavy. she won't be able to evade for a few seconds. works every time.
Ur welcome.
1. Venom. ur gonna wanna light intercept his first light attack. works every time
2. Domino. u can easily medium intercept her medium attack, as it has a long duration. works every time.
3. wolverine weapon-x. The trick is called don't get hit. if u get hit u die. works every time
4. gully 2099. just knock her down and keep hitting her. she will die. don't use champs that are reliant on specials.
5. wasp. U need to get her to use her heavy. she won't be able to evade for a few seconds. works every time.
Ur welcome.
6. all bosses that are the 5th quest of the chapter in act 6. they are all really annoying but have all been nerfed. u just need to use ghost, as she can do stuff that is good
And she is definitely not useful against hydra adaptoid, you'll weep if you try that fight with ghost!