Bad Signature Abilities

Saw a thread on the best, now let's name the worst
My personal pick would be Rhino's
Super useless, plus in endgame content you are dead anyway from eating a combo so his phys resist is almost useless and only good on alliance war defense.
My personal pick would be Rhino's
Super useless, plus in endgame content you are dead anyway from eating a combo so his phys resist is almost useless and only good on alliance war defense.
Angela's sig is by no means useless, just extremely niche.
Iron Patriot(without Red Goblin Synergy) is so bad he burns himself out when he triggers it. So basically you trade regen for no armor
Agent Venom. His sig basically means at 100% and 50% you get a klyntar rage.
Which does nothing as it increases his attack by 763 at max sig and 6 star rank 3....