LFM map 6/7 p4. Skilled 10.5k+ team mate needed EU timezone for season end. Talk to me on LINE

40m chilled alliance Recruiting a skilled reliable team mate. Europe timezone player preferred.
We are an organised, fun/banter adult alliance.
• Aq map 6 epic mods, 1-2 map 7 each series (rank top 150). Low stress / item use P4 wars.
• No event mins, but we expect you complete monthly events and new content to progress etc.
• Must be active, responsive, reliable, communicative, skilled, friendly. 10.8k+ prestige with deep roster.
Add me on line ljlibramobile and send a ss of profile and why you looking to move alliances.
40m chilled alliance Recruiting a skilled reliable team mate. Europe timezone player preferred.
We are an organised, fun/banter adult alliance.
• Aq map 6 epic mods, 1-2 map 7 each series (rank top 150). Low stress / item use P4 wars.
• No event mins, but we expect you complete monthly events and new content to progress etc.
• Must be active, responsive, reliable, communicative, skilled, friendly. 10.8k+ prestige with deep roster.
Add me on line ljlibramobile and send a ss of profile and why you looking to move alliances.